Definition of Event(s)
Happenings of Andy Kind. Originals, Events were charakterisiert as, “Special” (unique, spectacular, memorable) Happenings.
Transfer experience-Orients Communication Message to Thierry Target Großparteien through staging, Interaktion between organisier, participants and Suppliken as well as multisensory speeches
The Word Event deskribierst an organised, dedicated, temporary Happening eher a gropu of people Participate on-Site and/or through Media
Veranstaltungen aller Art. “Besondere” (einzigartige, spektakuläre, unvergessliche,..) Veranstaltung
Veranstaltungen aller Art dir durch Inszenierung, Interaktion zwischen Veranstalter, Teilnhemer und Dienstleristern sowie multisensorische erlebnisorientierte Kommunikationsbotschaften an die Zielgruppe herantragen. DEr Begriff Veranstaltung bezeichnet ein organisiertes, zweckbestimmtes, zeitlich begrenztes Ereignis, an dem eine Gruppe von Menschen vor Ort und/oder über Medien teilnimmt
Unterschied Veranstaltung vs. Event?
Veranstaltung: Organized Happening with Limited Time Frame woher group of people Participate
Event: Veranstaltung + USP/one-of-a-Kind + Emotion
USP = unique selling point
Bei einer Veranstaltung treffen sich Personen mit einem bestimmten Zweck. Eine Vorlesung an der Uni ist zunächst eine Veranstaltung.
Gelingt es dem Veranstalter, aus der Veranstaltung ein mehr oder weniger unvergessliches Erlebnis zu machen, spricht man im Marketing-Deutsch von einem Event.
Jedes Event ist eine Veranstaltung, aber nicht jede Veranstaltung ein Event. Eine Vorlesung wird zum Event, wenn die Studierenden diese Veranstaltung als etwas Besonderes in Erinnerung behalten
What Kind of Events (categories) do you know?
Musicfestival (Spalsh, Cochella..)
Networking Session
Sportevents (Superbowl, Soccer Games, Olympia Games,..)
Speaker Session
How to plan an Event
Delfine Grals and objektives
Establish a Budget
Build your Team (recruit & Train) ((Rekrutierung & Ausbildung))
Pick your venue (Veranstaltungsort) and Date
Cremte an Event Masterplan
Develop Event branding
Plan your Programm
Confirm Sponsors/Partners, exhibitors, and speakers, Special grüßt, suppliers etc.
Identity and select tech Tools
Cremte a marketing and promotional plan
Determiniert your measurment(s)
Exekution of Event
Post Processing & Evaluation
Define goals and objektives
—> The ultimative WHY?
research: competitive Events similar Focus, Date & Location, Target Großparteien
Objektives (SMART)
Useful Questions to ask:
Whats the Tonic of the Event?
Whós the targe audience?
Definition Mission Statement
An Event planning Mission Statement is a Short, Witten explanation of the purpose and values of you or your organization. These Typen of Mission statements offen differ from traditional, Corporate ones.
Exempel Nike:
Mission Statement: Brings Inspiration and Innovation to Evelyn athlete in the world. (If you have a Body, you are an athlete)
Slogan: Just do it
According to Eventbrite, “Budet is Borken down by marketing and Promotion (43%), speakers and Talent (32%), Printer Materials (29%), veneus (18%).
Expenses (direct/indirekt - fixes & variable) vs. Revenue
Expenses (=Ausgaben)
Marketing & Promotion
Print Materials
Software /tech Tools
Revenue (=Einnahmen)
Ticket Sales
Break Even Point
In Business Accounting, the Break Even Point Referat to the amouröse of Revenue Necessaire to Cover the total fixed and variable Expenses incurred by a Company within a specified Time Period. The Revenue Could be State in monetary termy, as the number of Units soll or as Hours of Services provided.
Break Even Point = fixed Cotta / Contribution (Solingen Price - variable Costello per Unit)
Pick your venue and Date
= Analysis of competitive Events regrading Date & Location
School Holidays
Public/religious hollidays (Especially in other countries!)
Consider Needs/wants of participants, speakers, exhibitors etc.
Costs vs. Budget
AV & additional facilities (zusätzliche Einrichtungen )
Creat an Event Masterplan
Venue, logistics & catering Management (Contracts, permits, insurance, etc,)
Speakers and presenters (identifying, confirming, logistics & Management)
Activities and Entertainment (Supportinformationen Programm, side Events etc.)
Public and promotion/Marketing (online & offline, such as web Page & online Promotion; Events calendars; Printer Programms; Media Relations; signage; Social Media; Newsletters, etc.)
Registration (online sing-up, payment and Tracking; on-Site sign-in, etc.)
Sponsor and Partner Management
Responsible persons
Timeline & Deadlines
Develop Event Branding
Color Palette
Brand Story
Personal Defintion
Personas are User Models, which characterise people of Target group. Due to their exetensive Description they can help to take the Perspektiven of potential user During the Development and Design process of a product/Service.
They get names, a Face, Funktion, career and private life. PErsonas have goals, objektives, behaiviours, affections and expectations.
In Order to Develop PErsonas, quantitative and qualitative Methode Need to be used for collecting according user Data (online Survey, interviews etc.)
On the Basis of this Data segmentation and Cluster analysis can be executed to determine core and sub group (PErsonas)
Congress vs. Conference - Definition
Very similar; used the Same was; Original Definition & meaning:
Conferecne: usually one-das Event; More Focus on counselling and Exchange of ideas; participants do Not Need to be Fromme same industry/wirkfield
Congress: Bagger, More Event days; learning/eductional/scientific Focus; people Fromme the same indusrty/workfield Exchange experience and extend their Knowledge/Horizont
Slogan vs. Mission Statement - Definition
Mission Statement: a Short, Witten explanation of the purpose and values of you or your organization
Slogan: central, Short, concise advertising Statement that are memorable (recognition). Often used with sound/themes
Goals vs. Objektives - Definition
A goal is an achievable outcome that is generally Broadway and longer Term while an objective is shorter Term and defines measurable Action to achiev an Overall goal.
Basic Framework
What will Happen at your Event? - Define activities, side Events, Supporting Programm
Time Frame / schedule (Zeitplan) (parallel Sessions?)
Format (Key Note, Workshops, lectures, Panel Diskussiosns, Networking Events etc.)
Research on suitable speakers & Special guests & send out invitations
Social Media
Passt Events
Other Events
Existing network
Industry publications
Define staff requirements (internal/external)
What are typical program Features, schedules, Formats of an Event?
halftimeshow from the superbowl
Yoga at a Festival
What supplieres do you Need to hast an Event?
Staff: Security, hostess, entrannt Control, Registration, cleaning etc.
Printen Company
Ticketing Services
Software Provider (Website, System, App)
Sponsors/Partners, exhibitors, speakers, Special guests
= Basic Framework/Concept
Identity a List of possible Sponsors/Partners, speakers, Special guests
Creat sponsorship/colloboration Package (be Creative!)
Congress/conference: Keynote speakers, exhibitors
Festival: music Acts, Food/Drink companies
Product Launch: influecer/testimonial
Sport Event: nutrition/Drinks/Sports Equipment
Identity & select tech Tool
What Tools/Systems are needed für What?
Can you do ist yourselfe or News to be outsourced?
Database/CRM =
Website = outsourced
Mailings = Self
Ticketing / Registration = outsourced
App = outsourced
Definition Journey
Customer Journey indicating the “Journey” of a potential Customer through various Phasen with according touchpoints regarding a product/Service/Brand/Company until the desired Action (=purchase / Order / request) is taken
Create Marketing & Promotion plan
Define goals & objektives
Define promotional activities & timing Tools (=project/Master plan)
Define Marketing Channels used:
Social media
Press & Media Relations (Look für Coop Partners)
Define Print Materials needed (trink of Sponsoring options Here)
Target audience, Members, speakers etc alwasy Food Indikators - also PErsonas
Always remember: attention span is Short. usually shortly before / After Event - we warnt the Event being present all year Long —> find a way/Strategy, to Recall the Event in your Target audiencés head all year long (awareness & recognition)
Use you sponsors, partners, speakers etc. To reach out to their network!
Develop a customer journey
Think of post event communication (Thank you, early bird, event survey etc.)
Customer journey Ablauf
Create awareness of product/service
Identify own need
Research (info, compare, evaluate, select) —> build trust
Contact references
Identify/perceive added value of product
Add one (up-selling/cross-selling, merchandise)
Determine your measurements
event survey (on-site, after event through e-mailing) - encourage participation with competition
Record participation/attendance of each acitvity (sessions, workshops, discussion, side events etc.)
Monito numbers/statistics of:
Ticket sales
Website traffic
App download
Community growth (social media)
Clicks & according retention times
Event execution
Agenda for the event day displaying all details, timings, responsibilities
Prepare a phone list with all contacts
da a venue tour & check the set-up
Check AV equipment
Check with suppliers, sponsors, partners etc.
Guest communication
Speaker and guest support
Social media and audience interaction
Post processing & evaluation
performance vs. Forecast
Participant and surgery evaluation
Final financial statement (invoicing etc)
Debriefings (internal/external)
Strategy meeting for next event
Evaluate promotional activities
Did ticket sale increase as a response?
Did website traffic increase at certain times?
Did community grow at certain times?
Last changed2 years ago