How record types can be used?
different picklist values can be displayed for different record types
different Lightning record pages can be displayed for different record types
different page layouts can be displayed for different record types
different business processes can be supported for a given object - when creating a record type, a business process is selected
each object has a “Master“ record type that is a system created
all other manually created record types are “Custom“ record types
access is defined at the Profile level or through Permission Sets, or both
Sales process for …
Solution process for ….
Lead process for ….
Support process for …
Sales process for Opportunities
Solution process for Solutions
Lead process for Leads
Support process for Cases
Business Processes, what must be considered regarding the objects
Business processes are available for only standard objects such as Lead, Case, Solution and Opportunity
Which types of fields can be used as the controlling filed in a field dependency?
Standard Checkbox
Custom Picklist
Two types of relationships that can be created between two objects:
Master-detail: parent-child relationship.
Can be one-to-one or many-to-many.
User is always looking up the parent object, meaning that the field on a child object holds a parent object.
The child inherits sharing and security settings of the parent and has no settings of its own
Lookup: links objects together, so users can see related items from one object to another.
Can be 1-to-1, 1-n, self, external (parent external), indirect (child is external object) or hierarchical(User only).
They do not inherit the sharing and security settings from another
related record can have a different owner than the parent record
the lookup field does not need to be a required field on the page layout
Data Model of Standard Objects
Account and Contact Relationships
Account can be related to 1 or many Contacts. A Contact can also be related to 1 or many Accounts if the “Contact to Multiple Accounts“ setting is enabled
they have a lookup relationship
also hold the characteristics of master-detail relationship. The Contact inherits the sharing setting of the Account
contacts are automatically deleted when the related Account is deleted. Other related items as Oppty, Contracts, Activities, Notes and Attachments will be removed as well
Account and Oppty Relationships
Account can be related to 1 or many Opptys, and Oppty can be related to only one Account
they have a lookup relationship. It also behaves as master-detail relationship since deleting an account record deletes all the related Opptys
Account and Case Relationships
Account can be related to 1 or many Cases. A Case can be related to only one Account
Contacts and Cases Relationships
Case can be related to 1 Contact and a Contact can be related to many Cases.
Contact has a lookup relationship to Case
Leads can be converted into am ….
optionally Oppty
Many-to-many relationship
This type of relationship is implemented via the use of a junction object. A junction object sits between the other 2 objects and has a master-detail relationship with both.
Assignment of record types:
Master record type
Custom record type
They can be assigned to Profile or User through permission sets
If a Master record type is selected, custom record types cannot be included. Master record type is a default, which exists before all other record types are created (is system generated and is hidden)
If a Custom record types is selected can be included but not the Master record type
Record Type Access
What should be considered when determining the access to record types for users
Permission Sets can only grant access to custom record types
Record type access controls record creation and editing of specific records types
Users can view records of any record type, as long as they have access to the object
Record type assignment is not a restrictive capability in terms of access. It is meant to be used as a way to improve data quality, and avoid the unnecessary creation of multiple custom objects that serve very similar purposes
Page layout assignments are specified in Profiles only
A restricted picklist value
global value set
Unrestricted Picklist
Value deactivated
A restricted picklist means that only the values defined can be used - even via API no additional values can be inserted
A global value set - if it is used it means, that the picklist is restricted
no duplicates can be inserted - error message arises
Unrestricted Picklist - a value can be added only to the updated or created record, but not in the picklist selection
When picklist value is deactivated, it does not affect existing values
Dependent picklists
Controlling field
Dependent field
Dependent picklists - these are used to limit the available values on a certain picklist field depending on the values selected on another field
Controlling field - PIcklist or Checkbox that drives the filtering.
Standard fields
Custom fields
Dependent field - Picklist that has its values filtered by the value selected in the controlling field
Multi-select Picklist
Roll-Up Summary Fields
what for
defined for which relationships
they are used to roll-up either the sum of the field in the child object, return min/max or a count of the number of records
these are defined on the master object and available for certain object relationships
Standard > Custom
Custom > Custom
certain standard
calculating takes some time - Force a mass recalculation for manual recalculation in Setup
Standard - Sales, Service, Marketing
Custom - can be created and the header can be customized for company branding
Profiles - can have access to multiple apps and the default app can be set
Steps to create Record Types
Create a page layout to be used on your record type
Add any additional picklist values
Create a record type
Assign record type to Profiles
Assign page layout for each profile for each record type
SElect picklist values for record type
Record Type Defaulting
Profile Default
User Default
Profile Default - is set at a Profile level, and is selected when creating a new record (but can be changed). If there is only one record type, it is automatically selected
User Default - Users can set them individually in their personal settings, only available when there are two or more active assigned record types on the user profile
Record Types with Business Processes:
For which objects must business processes be first created before a record type
What is a Business Process?
For example, there may be three Sales divisions, with two using the same sales process, and another using their own sales process. Two business processes can be set up and related to appropriate record types for each division. The business process will tell which stages are applicable when an Opportunity of a particular record type is created.
it captures the lifecycle of leads, Opptys, Cases or Solutions.
it references a standard picklist field and the values van be customized
What are Paths?
dependent fields
where can be enabled
Paths are intended to capture the lifestyle of standard objects such as Leads, Accounts, Campaigns, Accounts, Contacts and Cases - they are used to guide users along steps in a process
can be also created for custom objects
If a step has dependent fields, all dependent fields can be updated when updating a record from path (up to 5 fields can be displayed)
is enabled in Setup - then will appear as a Lightning Component
they can be created form any picklist field on the standard object
The ‘Contacts to Multiple Accounts‘ feature
must be enabled before it can be used.
it allows a single contact to be linked to multiple accounts.
The ‘Related Account"‘ list on a contact’s detail page can be used to specify direct and indirect accounts related to the contact
After this feature has been enabled, the Related Accounts related list must be added to the Contact Page Layout & the Related Contacts related List on the Account object can be removed as the Related COntacts related list will include direct and indirect contacts
^How to change a lookup relationship into master-detail?
Can be changed to a master-detail relationship only if the lookup field in all records contains a value
The limitation of two master-detail relationships per object
has no effect on the number of many-to-many relationships an object can have. In a many-to-many relationships, the master-detail relationships are created on the child juntion object and not the parent itself.
This means that all that is needed to be done is to create more junction objects, with each having a maximum of two master-detail relationship model
Lookup filters
in SF Classic an admin can make lookup filters required or optional.
in Lightning Experience, all lookup filters are required, even if they are specified as optional.
A lookup filter is defined on a lookup field, it is required in Lightning Experience, which means that a user can only pick a value that meets the filter criteria
they are used to display filter records
they can reference fields on the source object as well as the target object
Universally required fields
custom text, number, and picklist fields can be made required at the field level
field-level security does not override universally required fields
They are editable on all page layouts & are automatically added to the end of the first section of a page layout
Search layouts
can be used to control the fields displayed as a result of a search
fields displayed in a lookup dialog
recently viewed records list
A list view allows:
users to see only the data that they have access to
List views include records owned by or shared with users in roles below the viewer in the hierarchy
the visibility of fields depends on the page layout and field-level security settings
not all standard object are supported to be printed
Last changed2 years ago