What is innate immunity?
“ unspecific” immunity against infections
-> present and fully effective after birth
-> recognition of evolutionary conserved pathogen-derived strucutres, not of single AG
-> no increased response upon repeated exposure to the same pathogen
-> no immunologic memory -> does not remeber infection with the same pathogen
-> consists of cellular & humoral components -> humoral - all body fluids
innate / adaptive immunity
immune system
innate immunity adaptive immunity
humoral cellular humoral cellular
complement macrophages Dendritic cells ABs lymphocye cells
cytokines granulocytes cytokines DCs
NK Cells
the time course of an immune response
innate immunity
immediate - 0-4hrs: infection -> recognition by performed, nonspecific effectors -> removal of infectious agent
early induced response
early - 4-98hrs: infection -> recruitment of effector cells (Chemokines, inflammatory cells into wound) -> recognition, activation of effector cells
-> removal of infectious agent
adaptive immune response
late >96hrs: infection -> transort of AG to lymphoid organs -> recognition by naive B&T cells -> clonal expansion % differentation to effecotr cells -> removal of infection
-> 3-7d until AIS takes fully place
how do pathogen enter the body?
route of entry mode of transmission
Mucosal surfaces: (dt. schleimhaut)
airway - inhaled droplet - nasal
gastrointestinal tract - contaminated water or food - oral
reproductive tract - physical contact - sexual
external epithelia (skin)
external surface - physical contact
wound & abrasions - minor skin abrasions etc.
insect bites - mosquito bites
First step of immune response
innate immunity (0-4h)
infection -> recognition by performed, non-specfic effectors -> removal of the pathogen
routes of entry :
on mucosal (Respiratory/gastrointestinal, urogential tract)
outer epithelia (wound, insect bites)
how does the body defend itself ?
intrinsic epithelia barriers to infection
mechanical: epithelia cells joined by tight junctions. longitudinal flow of air or fluid across epithelium. movement of mucus by cilia.
chemical: FA
enzymes : lysozomes (Salvia, sweat, tears), pepsin
low pH: stomach
antibacterial peptides, defensins (skin, gut), cryptidins (intestine)
mircobiological: normal flora compete for nutrient and attachment to epithelium and can produce anitbacterial substances
second stepimmune response
pathogen recognition - through to pathogen recognition receptores (PRRs)
infection -> recognition by performed, non-specific effectors -> removal of the pathogens
receptor mediated recognition
macrophages -> receptor dock on
bacti -> phagocytosis
What are TLRs and what do they do?
a class of PRRs that inititate the innate immune response by sending conserved molecular patterns of early immune recognition
TLR 1, 2, 6 -> peptidoglycan (Gram+ bacti)
TLR 3 -> ds RNA (RNA virues, ds bc viruses have to replicate
TLR 4 -> LPS & lipoteinchoic acid (gram + bacti)
TLR 9 -> non-methylated CpG DNA (present in procaryotes)
pathogen derived patterns
what is important ?
1. lipid A / LPS ——————————————--> TLR 4 (gram - bacti)
Lipopeptides, Peptidoglycan, Teicho acid —> TLR2 (gram + bacti)
ds RNA ——————————————————> TLR 3
Flaggelin ————————————————-->TLR 5 (Bacti flagella)
Procaryotic DNA —————————————-> TLR 9 (CpG DNA, non-meht.)
improtant where are they expressed? -> body fluids
TLR of plants, flies and human
plants - kind of basicc TLRs
dropsophila - nüsslein-vollhard called it Toll bc of german Toll - she was so excited
mammals and drosophila - same signal pathway
S13 abbildung einfügen
LPS / Endotoxin / Lipid A
How is it build?
Lipid A Core Polysaccharides
lipid a Lectins- recognise sugars
LPS receptors complemt
mediators Opsonization - marking of a pathogen
cytokines (TNF-a, IL1, IL-6, IL-8) phagocytosis
Inflammation chemotaxis
Shock lysis
lectins recognition of sugars
1. soluble lectins (humoral): collection (C-Type lectin family) - e.g. mannose binding proetin (MBP)/ surfactant proteins
collagen structure lectin domain sugar
binding to receptors (CR1/CD35) -> mediated phagocytosis
complemt activation
transmembrane receptors (cellular): Lectin receptors on phagocytes
e.g. macrophage mannose receptor / “Scavenger” receptor
thrid step - removal of pathgen
innate immunity: infection -> recognition by preformed, non-specific effectors -> removal of pathogen
acidification - pH3.5 - 4.0 - bacteriostatic, bactericidal
reactive oxygen species - superoxide, hydrogen peroxide, signlet oxygen, hydroxyl radical, hypochlorite -> if they are reactive everytime kills also our cells
reactie nitrogen species - nitrite oxide
antimicrobial peptides - defensis cationic proteins
enzymes - lysozyme - damages cell walls of some pram+ bacti. acidic hydrolyses -furhter digest bacterial proteins
competitors - lactoferrin, binda FE, and Vitamin B12 binding protein
pattern recognition in innate immuity
pathogen associated molecular patterns (PAMPs) (recognise PRRs)
evolutionary conservedmolecular patterns of pathogens
including: bacterial LPS, peptidoglycan, zymosam (Polysaccharides of fungi), Flaggelin (major protein in Flagella), non-methylated cpG DNA (mostly to differentiate host DNA from pathogen DNA, CpG - Cytosind & guanin)
pattern recognition receptors (PRRs)
including: TLRs, Receptors of apoptotic cells (Lectin receptor), receptors of opsonin (Recognized sugars), complement receptors (from pathogen)
progession of a local immune response
adherence to epithelium -> 2. local infection, penetration of epithelium -> 3. local infection of tissues (bacti start to replicate) -> 4. adaptive immunity
protection against infection
normal flora, local chemical factors, phagocytes (especially in lung)
wound heling induced, antimicrobial proteins and peptides, phagocytes and complemet destroy invading mircoorganisms (activation of y o T cells?)
complement phagocytes, cytokines, NK cells, activation of macrophages, dendritic cells migrate to lymph nodes to initiate adaptive immunity.
infection cleared by specific AB T-cell dependent macrophage activation and cytotoxic Tcells. (swelling of lymph knot e.g)
Dendritic cells - at the interface between innate and adaptive immunity
PRRs ( TLR, c-type receptors) recognize evolutionarily conserved strucutres on pathogens
release of cytokines, chemokines and other inflammatory mediators
recruitment of neutrophils, monocytes, and lymphoctes to the site of nfection
immature = innate immuntiy
mature = adaptive immunity
functions of DCs
maturation of DCs: (adaptive immunity)
initially increased phagocytosis of pathogens upon activation of pattern recognition receptors
reduced phagocytic capacity after pathogen digestion
time course
pathogen uptake
migration into draining lymph nodes
AG presenting presentation to T cells in combination with co-stimulatory molecules (B/ molecules: CD80, CD86)
-> maturing DCs migrate to the draining lymph nodes!
-> bc DC are immature before they go to lymph node. on the way from DC to draining lymph node they get “activated”
maturation of DCs
AG uptake by Langerhans’ cells (DCs in expidermis) in the skin -> Langerhans’ cells leave the skin and enter the lymphatic system (migration) ->Langerhans’ cells enter the lymph node to become DCs expressing B7 -> B7-pos. DCs stimulate naive T-cells
basic components of immune system
Key apell of pathogen invasion pattern recognition
main clases of PRR- (TLR,..) (macrophages, DCs..)
Complement cascade: an overview - classical pathway
classical pathway:
After adaptation, by then the ABs are there.
AG:AB complexes -> complement activation -> recruitment of inflamatory cells, opsonization of pathogens, killing of pathogens
complent cascade: overview - MB-Lectin pathway
MB-Lectin pathway:
act undependent - MB membrane binding
Lectin binds to AG surfaces -> complemt activation -> recruitment of inflammatory cells
complemt cascade: an overview - alternative pathway
alternative pathway:
spontaniously activated by pathogen surfaces
pathogen surfaces -> complemt activation -> recruitment of inflammatory cells, opsonisation of pathogens, killing of pathogens
why is it only activated by pathogen surface? - marking the pathogen& the host cells -> block the cascade of hostcells
only with innate immunity you can use complemt cascade
functions of the complement system
pathways of complemt activation
complemt cascade active in fluid system. viruses connected to cells -> mainly lifecycle in the cell
classical pathway, MB-lectin pathway & Alternative pathway -> C3 convertase -> (C4a)* C3a, C5a -> Peptide mediators in inflammatory phagocyte recruitment. -> if C3 c. broken - most severe bc connects all 3
-> C3b -> 1. Binds to complemt receptors of phagocytes -> 1.b. opsonization pf pathogens, removal of immune complexes.
-> 1. terminal complement compinents C5b, C6, C7, C8, C9 -> membrane attack complec, lysis of certain pathogens and cells
complemt mediated lysis of pathogens
C5b binds C6 and C7 -> C5b,6,7 complexes bind to membrane via C7 -> C8 binds to the complex and inserts into the cell membrane -> C9 molecules bind to the complec and polymerize -> 10-16 molecules of C9 bind to form a pore in the membrane
important cytokines of the innate immunity
activated macrophages secrete a range of cytokines ->
IL1 -> activates vascular endothelium; activates lymphocytes; local tissue destruction; increases access of effector cells -> systemic effects are fever, production of IL6 and Crosstalk for reaction.
TNF-a -> activates vascular endothelium and increases vascular permeability, which leads to increased entry of IgG, complemtn, and cells to tissues and increases fluid drainage to lymph nodes -> systemic effects are fever, mobilization of metabolites and shock
IL-6 -> lmyphocyte activation; increased AB production -> systemic effects are fever, induces acute phase and protein production
IL-8 -> chemotactic factor recruits neutrophils, basophils and Tcells to site of infection.
IL-12 -> activates NK cells; induces the differentiation of CD4 cells into TH1 cells.
systemic roles of the cytokines IL-1, IL-6 and TNF-a
Liver: acute-pahse proteins (C-reactive protein, mannan-binding lectin) -> activation of complemt opsonization
Bone marrow endothelium: Neutrophil mobilisation -> phagocytosis
Hypothalamus: increased body temp. -> decreased viral and bacterial replication, increased AG processing and increased specific immune response
Fat, muscle: protein and energy mobilization to allow increased Body temp. -> decreased viral and bacterial replication, invreased AG proc. and increased specific immune response
DCs: TNF-a stimulates, migration to Lymph nodes and maturation -> initation of adaptive immune response
heterogeneous family of soluble proteins and peptides
trigger chemotaxis already at extremely low concentrations (pM-mM) - much faster
Comparable to the mode of activation of hormones
may act locally, but also systemically
high pleiotropic activitiy (induce a variety pf biological effects)
partially redundant functions of several chemokines
sepsis: overload of bacteria - ABs just make sence in early cells -> bc bloodpressure is very low.
cytokines, particularly TNF-a and IL-1 augment the adhesive capacity of endothelia and increase the permeabiliyt of the endothelium
generally, endotheia are impermeable for cells and plasma.
summary: early induced reactions
pathogens: epithelia -> Epithelial activation -> epithelial cytokines -> increased permeability of endothelia (IL-1, TNF-a, IL6) -> extravasation of cells and plasma (get out of capilarry into tissue) -> opsonisation -> phagocytosis -> activation of adaptive immunity
TNF-a - locally protective, systemically fatal!
in case of a systemic infection (sepsis) macrophages in spleen and liver release TNF-a into the circulation
TNF-a augments endophelial permeability for cells, plasma and proteins
TNF-a increases the adhesive capacites of leukocytes and platelets
result: septic shock!
Local- protecive, systemic death - may caused by sepsis
TNF-a - local infection with gram - bacteria
macrophages ativated to secrete TNF-a in the tissue-> increased release of plasma proteins into tissue. increased phagocyte and lymphocyte migration into tissue. increased platelet adhesion to blood vessel wall -> phagocytosis of bacteria. local vessel occlusion. plasma and cells drain to local lymph node -> removal of infection
Adaptive immunity
TNF-a - systemic infection with gram- bacteria (sepsis)
macrophages activated in liver and spleen secrete TNF-a into the bloodstream -> systemic edema causing decreased blood volume, hypoproteinemia, and neutropenia, followed by neutrophilia. decreased blood volume causes collapse of vessels ->disseminated intravascular coagulation leading to wasting and multiple organ failure -> death
virus infection release of type-1 interfons (IFN-a/IFN-ß)
virus-infected host cell -> IFN-a, IFN-ß -> induce resistance to viral replication in all cells, increase MHC class1 expression and AG presentation in all cells, Activate NK cells to kill virus-infected cell.
IFN-ß released by all cells
cell substet of the innate immune system
NK cells
different from T & b cells
no classical AG receptor - unspecific
cellular component of innate immune system
recognition and elimination of abnormal cells such as virus-infected cells and tumor cells
iduction of apoptosis in target cells (by perforn/ granzyme-dependent mechanism)
involved in AB-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity (ADCC)
important role of NK cells durng viral infections
mode of action of NK cell-mediated target cell lysis 1
How do NKc kill virus-infected cells? virus within the infected cell most of the time. -> expressed type 1 interferon
what does a virus enjected cell do -> enter cells, replicates -> cell destroid, only production of viral proteins
missing self! - NK dont recognize virus infection. KIR & KAR regulate
mode of action of NK cell-mediated target cell lysis 2
MHC class 1 on normal recognized by killer inhibitory receptors (KIRs) or by lectinlike CD94:NKG2 heterodimers on NKcs which inhibit signals from activating receptors -> NKc doesnt kill the normal cell -> ‘Altered’ or absent MHC class 1 cant stimulate a negative signal. NKc is triggered by signals from activating receptors -> activated NKcell releases granule contents inducing apoptosis in target cell
Mast cells
difference - resting and activated mast cell - resting many round blobs around nucleus, activated - looks destroid but nucleus intact
released mediators: Leukotrienes C4 & D4, prostaglandin D2, PAF chymase, trypase, heparin, histamine, cytokines (IL4,5,6,8, TNF-a)
effector functions: increased endothelial permeability; concentration of smooth muscles; bronchoconstriction; activation of neutrophils, eosinophils and monocytes, inhibition of blood coagulation
time course of an innate immune response
epithelial barriers -> seconds
epithelial activation -> minutes
complement -> minutes
cytokines/chemokines -> minutes to days
neutrophils -> hours
monocytes/macrophages -> hours to days
NK cells - hours to days
summary: course of an immune response
barriers -infection-> innate immunity -inflammation-> adaptive immunity
skin& mucosa cellular &humoral components. cellular and humoral compoents
cellular & humoral components - innate & adaptive immunity
innate: lysozyme; secretion of mucus; complemt; cytokines/chemokines; Phagocytes; NKcells
adaptive: ABs; Cytokines, CD4+ t cells, CD8+ Tcells
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