Number and type of organisms present on earth.
The name of an organism such that the organism is known by the same name all over the world.
Nomenclature is only possible when the organism is described correctly and we know to what name the organism is attached to.
Binomial Nomenclature
System of providing name with two components.
Process by which anything can be grouped into convenient categories based on easily observed characteristics.
Convenient categories used to study organisms.
Process of classifying organisms in different taxa.
Systematic arrangement of organisms.
Now also includes identification, nomenclature and classification. Takes into account evolution relationship between organisms.
Store house of collected plant specimens that are dry pressed and preserved.
Botanical gardens
Special gardens for collection of plants for reference.
Taxonomical aid used for identification of plants and animals based on similarities and dis similarities.
Keys are based on contrasting characters generally in a pair.
Each statement in a pair called as lead.
Contains actual account of plants and distribution of habitat.
Useful in providing information identification of names of species in an area.
Info about one taxon
Taxonomic categories
Each step in a classification represents a rank or category. Since category is overall part of the arrangement hence are called taxonomic categories.
Taxonomic hierarchy
All categories together constitute hierarchy.
Taxonomic categories consider fundamental similarities between individual organisms called species.
Aggregates of closely related species with less similarity than species.
Group of related genera with less similarity than genera.
What are twin characteristics of growth?
1) increase in mass
2) increase in number
Distinctive features of living organisms?
1) Growth
2) reproduction
3) ability to sense environment
4) mount a suitable response
5) metabolism
6) ability to self replicate
7) self organize
8) interact
9) emergence
The ecological conflict and cooperation among members of a population and among populations of a community or even the molecular traffic inside a cell make us deeply reflected on what indeed is life.
1)Technical definition of life
2) philosophical definition
1) what living is opposed to non living
2) what purpose of life is
1)One should be able to distinguish one species from the other closely related species based on distinct morphological characteristics.- Species
2) They have more common characters in comparison to species of other genera….we can have have one or more than specific epithet representing different organisms but having morphological similarities.- Genus
Note- Order and other higher taxon are identified on basis of aggregates of characters.
1) Less similarities than Genus and species. They are characterized on the basis of both reproductive and vegetative characteristics.- Family
2) Order has less number of similarities than family Genus and species.
For example, convolvolacea and solanacea grouped under polymoniales due to floral characters.
3) Sapindales and Polymoniales are related grouped under dicotyledonea.- Class
4) Divsion- Few common characteristics.
5) As we go up the hierarchy characters decrease.
The basis of taxonomy is
1) structure of cell
2) development process
3) ecological info of organism
What forms the basis of taxonomy?
1) characteristisation
2) identification
3) Nomenclature
4) classification
Last changed2 years ago