Bacterial colonization / Infection/infectious disease
colonizing bacteria are associated or adherent to muscosal surface -> reaction within the host tissue
bacterial adherence to host cell
direct binding site to host cell or bridged binding via a host molecule -> both adhesins
Examples - adhesins determine tissue / host tropism
Tissue tropism: bordetella Haemophilus, Pasteurella in the respiratory tract; oral streptococci; Enterobacti in the gut; E.coli strains in the urogenital tranct and the CNS; Haemophilus, pneumococci, meningococci in the CNS
Host tropism: F5-E.coli in calfs; F4 E coli in piglets; Helicobacter pylori in human stomach
Morphology : fimbirae, pili
pic 9
Strucutre of a pili
Pilin = ca 20kDa protein
Tip adhesin
a structure
Fimbira: examples
E. coli:
Typ 1 (F1) - mannose, fibronectin, Plasminogen, CEACAM*
F4 - Gal-Gal
F5 - NeuGe-GM3
F41 - N-Acetylglucosamin
P-Fimbriae* - Gal-Gal, Fibronection
curli-Fimbriae - Fibronectin
Typ 3 - complex
Typ 1 Pili (assembly) chaperone user pathway
pic 14
E. coli Pili
pic 15
Bacterial species binding to CEACAMs
CEACAMs mediate intercellular adhesion through homophilic and/or heterophilic interactions
CEACAM receptor binding by pathogenic Neisseria spp.
pic 18
Escherischia coli
Enteropathogenic e coli - epec
Adhesion methods:
adherence (type 4 fimbria)
sectretion of effectors
intimin-adherence (Protein)
composition of the extracellular matric
usually glycoproteins
collagen, fibronectin, etc bind so it can attach to hostcell
fibronectin dimer
pic 23
bacterial adherence to Fn, V, and integrins (parto of extracell. membrane . used to bind host cell)
pic 24
microbial enzymes supporting pathogen invasion
enzymes used for invasion
all produced by bacti
in host = distruction of tissue
Superoxide dismutase & catalase => important inside the hostcell
Formation of fibrin clots formed by coagulation.
process mediated by thrombin. fibrin forms net skin
fribrinogen produces by thrombocytes
break down of fibrin clots by coagulation
streptokinase C and D in complex with plasmin -> ability to funciton => bacti can escape the clot, Break-down of fibrin clots formed by colaboration
What produced Hyaloronic acid/ Hyaluronidase?
Streptococcus aureus Hyaluronidase
s. aureus: examination of hyaluronidase activity using s.equi, ssp equi
Hyaluronidas and bacteria degrade cells
intracellular bacteria
obligate intracellular bacteria…can not reproduce outside their host cells because their metabolism relies on host molecules
facultative intracellulat bacteria…are capable of living and reproducing either inside or outside cells. -> prefer to live inside the host cell bc of advantages
advantages of intracellular lifestyle
protection againt recognition by immune system (phagocytes, complement system, ABs)
partial protection against ABs
Nutrient rich habitat
overcome of barriers: Possibility to spread into deeper tissue
dissemination: spread into bloodstream (systemic dissemination by lympho-hematogenous spreading)
obligate intracellular bacti
Chlamydia, chlamydophila - sexually transmitted, psittacosis and ornithosis
rickettsia, coxiella - vector-born disease, Q-fever in humans and animals
Lawsonia - Diarrhea in pigs (proliferative Enteropathie)
“zipper” mechanism -> listeria & Yersinia
facultative intracellular bacti
mycobacteria - tuberculosis in humans and animals, paratuberculosis in ruminants
salmonella - salmonellosis
yersinia - bowel disease
shigella - bowel disease
brucella - brucellosis
bartonella - cat scratch disease, bacterial angiomatosis, peliosis, hepatitis, endocarditis
listeria - listeriosis
bacterial uptake mechanisms
“zipper” mechanism
“trigger” mechanism (membrane ruffling)
“Caveolae”-mediated uptake
Type 1 secretion system
secretion of toxins, proteases, lipases
secretion directly from the cytoplasmic space into the surrounding medium
no periplasmic intermediate
C-terminal signal sequence, ca 60AS
3 components:
ABC transporter
membrane fusion protein
outer membrane protein
e.g. a-hemolysin/E.coli
dependent on ATPase
Type 2 secretion system (main terminal branch - MTP - of GSP
step sec-dependent
substrate: extracellulare enzymes and toxins (gram- bacti)
e.g. choleratoxin
some bacti are using it to detect toxins
Type 3 secretion system (T3SS)
similar to flagellar assembly
needle lke structure like the flagella
EM reconstructions of basal body of the flagellum & typ 3 injectisome of salmonella
intracellular bacti: Salmonella typhimurium
injection of bacterial effector proteins directly into eucaryotic host cell or into the surrounding medium
Type 4 secretion system (T4SS)
translocation of Toxins and of DNA
sec-dependent and independent
homlogous to bacterial conjugation machinery
translocation of bacterial proteins into eukrayotic cells
Processes in which T4SS are involved
toxin delivery - killing of gram- bacti
DNA release - biofilminformation of neissieria (release of ssDNA)
DNA uptake - helicobacter uptake of ddDNA and/or dsDNA
conjugation - gram+ and gram- bacti (dsDNA (circular) with red dot goes to recipient -> ssDNA (ciruclar) with dot in it)
Effector molecule translocation - processes in which T4SS are involved
injection of effector protein -> Helicobacter, Bartonella, Anaplasma, Ehrlichia
Toxin secretion -> Bordetella
Gene transfer to host cell ->agrobacterium, bartonella
non-lytic release from protozoan cell -> legionella
intracellular survival of pathogen -> legionella, coxiella, bartonella, brucella, rickettsia
intracellular survival of symbionts -> wollbachia, mesorhizobium
what is responsible for the caveolae-mediated uptake ?
Caveosom formation
Last changed2 years ago