2 key kriteria coporate culture
Advantage of coporate culture
Ensure a productive manner for international corporates
2 culural assumptions
A set of behaviors and relationships that is shared by the members of an organization
Organizational culture
Functional or dysfunctional behaviors that impact the achievement of goals by the organization
Organizational culture can produce
Provide a sense of shared identity (in differentiation to other organizations)
Main positive effects of organizational cultures
A mechanism of socializing organization members into a way of doing things that is consistent with the goals of the organization
Develop a sense of commitment to the organization and its goals
Can cement behaviors that have served well in the past
Some negative effects of organizational culture
A strong organizational culture can act as a barrier to change
Conflict potential between subcultures or in case of mergers & acquisitions
Corporate cultures as per
No intrinsic values, except serving the needs of the members of the organization
Almost like a “leaderless” team
Person oriented
Power of the individual
Commitment to oneself
Professional recognition
Power based in an “autocratic” leader (father figure)
Not many rules, little bureaucracy
Striving to be near the “source of power”
Power orientation
Personal relationships
Power of person
Steep, stately and very robust
System of rules, legalistic procedures
Assigned rights and responsibilities
Duty one feels within oneself, not an obligation towards a specific individual
Task and project oriented
“Getting the job done” (solving problems successfully)
Relationships are results oriented based on rational/instrumentational considerations and limited to the specific functional aspects
Achievement/effectiveness more important than demands of authority, procedures or people
Shared meanings
Unconditional relationship
Born into it
Totally immersed
Shared behaviors
Conditional relationship
Socialized into it
Partly involved
2 key kriteria corporate culture
-> Coporate culture has to fit in some form to the national culure
Last changed2 years ago