Wann ist diabetis ? Nenne werte
Name criteria for diabetis + pre diabetis + gestational
what Are best markers for DM1 +2
When do we have hypoglycemia
What are diabetic targets = DM Control
How are dm 1 and dm 2 generally treated
Name hypoglycemia values
How to treat hypoglycemia
Causes of hypoglycemia
What are signs and symptoms
Whippel triad what is it?
Name causes of ketoacidosis
Name symptoms of ketoacidosis
Name treatment
Explain hyperglycemia hyperosmolyritiy state
Explain risk factors in woman with gestational diabetis + consequences
Name chronic complications of diabetis
Explain diabetic foot + neuropathy
Explain how to do a foot examination
Explain insulin treatment
Explain non insulin treatment
Name difference of diabetis 1 and 2
Explain cardiovascular risk table
Explain Lipids normal value
Explain all lipids abnormalities short
How to treat dislipidemia
Name treatment for hypertriglycemia
Explain lifestyle changes
phyysical activity
Abdominal circumference
Last changed2 years ago