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List findings of laboratory studies.
Laboratory studies
Lactic acidosis, hypoglycemia
↑ Creatine kinase as a sign of rhabdomyolysis (a frequently encountered complication)
↑ Liver enzymes (in case of hepatic injury)
↑ Urea and creatinine as a sign of acute renal injury (∼ 30% of cases)
Coagulation studies to assess for disseminated intravascular coagulation
List other diagnostic findings.
ECG: sinus tachycardia, nonspecific and ischemic ST-T wave abnormalities (stress-induced cardiomyopathy) [6]
CT to rule out other causes of CNS impairment
Heatstroke vs. fever DD (table).
Define Heat exhaustion.
a heat-related injury characterized by hyperthermia ≤ 40°C (104°F) and an inability to maintain cardiac output with normal central nervous system function.
List clinical features of heat exhasution.
Nausea, vomiting
Headache, dizziness, mild confusion (resolves quickly with treatment)
Normal mental status
Describe the treatment of heat exhaustion.
Discontinue strenuous exercise immediately, move to cool environment, and remove excess clothing
Oral rehydration (preferably with chilled, salt-containing fluids, flavored sports drinks, or water)
If symptoms persist or altered mental status develops: management as of heat stroke
Measure electrolytes and treat potential imbalances
Last changed2 years ago