Finding the NE from a Normal Form - What should we write?
A Nash equilibrium is a strategy profile where all players are best responding to each other
From the normal form, we can see the payoffs corresponding to best responses are underlined. (AB,XY) is a strategy profile, where both players are playing best responses, hence it is a Nash-equilibrium
Find mixed-strategy best response - What should we write?
For a strategy mixing between A and B to be a best response, player 1 must be indifferent between a pure strategy A and pure strategy B
Information sets
When decision nodes of the same player belong to the same information set, this player is unable to tell which node is the realized history
A strategy is a complete contingent plan of action. A strategy for a player specifies the action that the player takes at each of the player’s information sets
Strategy space/set
Contains all the possible strategies of that player
Strategy profile
A strategy profile assigns a strategy to every player
A belief is a probability distribution over the strategies played by the other player
Mixed strategy
A mixed strategy for player i is a probability distribution over his/her strategy set Si
When is it optimal to randomize between strategies?
It is optimal for a decision maker to randomize between two options only when he/she is indifferent. Because of indifference, any randomization has the same expected utility
Set of mixed best responses
The set of mixed best responses contains mixed strategies that achieve an expected payoff greater than or equal to the expected payoff of any other mixed strategy
Mixed strategy best responses assign positive probability only to pure strategies that are best responses (for some belief)
In a Nash-equilibrium each player chooses a best response to the strategies of the other players
Players have correct beliefs about the strategies of the other players and choose optimally against these beliefs
Given the belief, each player chooses a complete contingent plan of action that is a best response
No player has an incentive to deviate unilaterally
Best response
Pure or mixed strategy of player i that maximize player i’s expected payoff given the belief about the other players’ strategies
Dominated strategy
A strategy of player i is dominated if there is a mixed strategy that always yields a higher payoff, irrespective of the pure strategies of the opposing players
A dominated strategy is never a best response, regardless of a players’ belief
A strategy profile is pareto efficient if we cannot find another strategy profile such that (i) No player is worse off, (ii) some players are better off
If we maximize aggregated utility, the resulting strategy profile is necessarily efficient
Betrand Oligopoly
Small number of firms competing by choosing prices independently and simultaneously (homogeneous good)
Horizontal product differentiation
Consumers differ in their preferences over similar products, even if they have similar prices (phones, toothpaste, etc.)
Modeled by having two prices in the demand function
Cournot Oligopoly
Firms choose quantities independently and simultaneously and compete over quantities
Vertical product differentiation
Products differ in the perceived quality. If all products had the same price, consumers would purchase the one with the highest quality
Mixed-strategy (best replies)
A mixed strategy is a best reply if and only if it randomizes over pure strategies that are best replies
It is optimal for player 1 to randomize between L and R if and only if they yield the same expected payoff
Sequential rationality
A strategy for a player is sequentially rational if at each of his/her information sets it is a best response to the strategies of the other players for the remainder of the game, regardless of whether the player believes that the information set will actually be reached
Subgame perfect equilibrium
A subgame perfect equilibrium is a strategy profile that specifies a Nash-equilibrium in every subgame of the original game
A subgame originates at node x if no successor of x shares an information set with a node that is not a successor of x. A subgame consists of a node and all its successors and inherits the players and the information sets of the original game
Last changed2 years ago