How many types of current you know
4. To passive kinesitherapy belong:
TENS can be used for treatment of:
Which of factors are sources of exogenous heat :
For hydrotherapy we use:
Which diseases are contraindicated to apply cryotherapy:
Which currents penetrate deeper intotissues:
Which of disease can be treated with ultraviolet light:
Definition of electrotherapy
Use of electric current used throughout the body to stimulate nerves and muscles, chiefly used in treatment of forms of paralysis
According frequency how many tapes of currents you know:
.Wich is the types of medium electric currents ? .
Interference Currents, Russian Currents.
7.What is medium electric current ?
3.What is an interference at medium frequency electric currents?
Generation of a new endogen low frequency current with a modulated amplitude and frequency 0-100 Hz – the difference between the original and medium frequency currents.
Which is indication for medium frequency currents?
INTERFERENCE= traumatologie: low callus recovery, joint stiffness /
contractures/ ‘periarthritis, luxations, haematoma, sports injuries,
posttraumatic, degenerative and postoperative disorders. of the locomotors system .Neurology-neuritis , radiculitis, injuries of the peripheral nerves, herpes
zoster .Gynecology-chronic disorders, metritis, dysfunctional menstrual disorders, sterility.Dermatology-atonics wound .Circulation disturbances-Raynaud’disease, venous insufficiency
RUSSIAN = ARTHO-RHEUMATOLOGY: arthrosis, arthritis, periarthritis.
PERIPHERAL NERVOUS SYSTEM: Radiculitis, plexitis radiculalgia,
Discribe physiological eff of MFC?
RUSSIAN = analgesia, resvulsive effect, sympaticolysis, trophic effect (stimulate tissue regeneration ie wound & bone regeneration), excitomotory effect (electrogymnastics).
NTERFERENCE = analgesia, stimulation of metabolism, tissue regeneraton, bone regeneration, excitomotory.
.Wich are the characteristics of ultra-high frequency current?
Frequency: 10-300 MHz.
Wave length = 1-30 m
Variances: Electric field, magnetic field.
Wich are the types of high frequncy currents ?
D’Arsonval current
Ultrahigh frequency currents
Decimeter Waves
Centimeter Waves
What is endogenic heat at high frequency electric currents?
This is the basic effect of high frequency currents. It is a high frequency current passed into part of body causing heat to be produced inside the body tissues.
.Which is indication for high frequency currents?
Darsonvalisation = SNP (neuritis, neuralgia, radiculopathy, polyneuropathy), Dermatology (pruritis, eczma, acne vulgaris, cosmetics
Diathermy = SCV (stenocardia hypertonia arterialis, Raynaud, angiotherophoneurosis), ARTHO- RHEUMATOLOGICAL (myositis, tendovaginitis, arthrosis, arthritis), SNP (neuritis, neuralgia, radiculopathy, polyneuropathy), gastritis, colitis, adnexitis
Ultrahigh frequency currents/Diathermy/Centimeter = sinusitis, rhinitis, arthro- rheumatologic diseases (myositis, tendovaginitis, arthrosis, arthritis), SNP(neuritis, neuralgias, radiculopathy, polyneuropathy), adnexitis.
Discribe physiological eff of HFC?
Inducing endogen heat (facile and deep penetration per cutis).
Analgesia, Muscle relaxation, vasodilation, trophic effect, anti-inflammatory effect, stimulation of metabolism, bactericidal effect.
.Which is the contraindication for HFC?
Asthma, Diabetes, Epilepsy, Pacemakers, Pregnancy, Electro-phobia, Cuts,
abrasions, open sores, infections, Metal implants, (pins or plates), Metal jewelry, loss of skin sensation, high bp, fracture,
general contraindications for electrotherapy and also fractures, tumours, infectious diseases that require heat or
fevers, pregnant women, patients with pacemakers, epilepsy, TB, thrombophlebitis, severe mental disorders, atherosclerosis areas, metallic implants, hypersensitive to electrical events and don’t apply to carotid sinus or through head
Which factors do not belong to electrotherapy:
What is ionophoresis:
What kind of energy is ultrasound:
For balneotherapy we use:
LASER can be used for treatment of:
.In the early stage of the stroke most important factor for treatment is:
The currents used for microwave therapy are:
How many types of kinesitherapy you know:
Give a definition of kinesitherapy:
A therapeutic treatment of disease of passive and active muscular movements (as by massage) and of exercise.
Which is the contraindication for HFC?
• Pacemaker
• Pregnancy
• Phlebitis
• Heart conditions
• Metal implants
• Thrombosis
• Epilepsy
• Cancer
.Discribe physiological eff of HFC?
Vasodilation, stimulation of metabolism, throphic effect, stimulation of phagocytic activity
the currents used in microwave therapy are:
In the early stages of stroke most important factor for treatment is
LASER can be used for treatment of
What is direct electric current ?
Uninterrupted unidirectional flow of electrons toward the positive pole “monophasic current”. Constant direction + velocity of movement.
What is indirect electric current ?
Alternating current “biphasic current”, produces waveforms with 2 separate phases during an individual cycle. The continuous flow of electrons is bidirection, constantly reversing its polarity.
.Which is indication for electrotherapy ?
reduce pain, improve circulation, repair tissues, strengthen muscles, and promote bone growth
• Relaxation of muscle spasms.
• Prevention or retardation of disuse atrophy.
• Increasing local blood circulation.
• Muscle re-education.
• Immediate post-surgical stimulation of calf muscles to prevent venous thrombosis.
• Maintaining or increasing range of motion.
• Dysphagia
What are the characteristics of Diadynamic currents (DD) ?
DDT are constant pulsating semi-sinusoidal currents with frequency of 50 and 100Hz, layered on galvanic current
Form is semi-sinusoidal.Pulsating, undulating currents. Low frequency current. Also called Bernard current.
Describe types of DD currents ?
Monophase fixe (MF) – single phase rectified. 50 Hz, pulse 10 ms and relax 10 seconds. Effect: muscle stimulation + muscle vibration.
Diphase fixe (DF) – 2 phase rectified, frequency 100 Hz, analgesic effect + vasodilation
Courtes periodes (CP) – T=2 secs. DF = 11/10 sec. MF = 9/10 sec. Alternation MF and DF in ratio 1:1 = effect is analgesia.
Longues periodes (LP) – Alternation MF & DF in rato 5s:7 seconds. For analgesia.
Rhythme syncope (RS) – T = 2sec. MF = 11/10 sec. Pause 9/10sec. Dynaogenic effect – muscle stimulation.
Monophase Module (MM) – RS but modulated MF. Dynamogenic effect – muscle stimulation of denervated muscles.
What is Magnetotherapy-definition
The use of magnetic field for therapeutic objectives. The therapeutic effect is realized through putting a part of the human body in the sphere of action of the magnetic field.
Describe Types of MF
- Low frequency variable MF
- variable MF - Variable pulsed MF
- Constant Magnetic Field
Generated MF has frequency of 50 Hz in form of series of impulses. Can change the impulse period (on-period), of pause period (off-period), of frequency of repetition of the pulses.
Describe mechanism of action of MF
Non specific influence on the permeability + potential of the cellular membranes: stimulation of the diffusion and the osmosis through the membrane; depolarization of water in the cell – transition from a polarized state to a non-polarised state.
- Influence on the cellular parts – nucleus, organelles, especially mitochondria. -
–Influence on the chromosomes.
- Metabolic changes through stimulation of the enzyme systems (oxidative phosphorylation (reduction of the libber oxidation) in mitochondria, respectively the biological efficacy of the respiratory chain, dielectric permeability, absorption of light).
- Stimulation of the glycolysis
- Influence of the physic + chemic capacities of water: superficial tension, viscosity, electro-conductibility, dielectric permeability, absorption of light.
- Changes of the complexes of water with protein molecules, nucleic acids, polysaccharides, lipids
- Inhibition of the increased neuro-irritability (EEG)
- Inhibition of the motor activity
- Inhibition of the conditional reflexes
- Diminution of the sensibility versus different sensory signals - Inhibition of neurotransmission in CNS and peripheral nerve.
4.Physiological effects of MF
Trophic effect, stimulation of metabolism + tissue repair. Anti-inflammatory
Inhibition of increased neuro-irritability, analgesic effect. Relaxation of muscular visceral spasm.
5.Indication for Magnetoterapy
CV diseases (chronic ischemic heart diseases, arterial hypertension, obliterating diseases of the peripheral vessels – Raynaud, burger, thrombophlebitis).
Inflammatory and degenerative joint diseases (arthrosis, arthritis (rheumatism, rheumatoid), periarthritis, tendovaginitis, morbus Bechterewi, osteochondrosis, spondylosis, spondylarthrosis).
Neurology: Neuritis, radiculitis, plexitis, trigeminal neuralgia, intercostal neuralgia, radiculalgia, radiculopathia, plexalgia, plexopathia.
Inflammatory processes: suppurative wound, mastitis, furuncle, carbuncle Dermatology: urticaria, sclerodermia, acne vulgaris.
6.Contraindication for Magnetotherapy
Cardiac insufficiency, febrility, thrombophlebitis with gangrene, pregnancy, presence of metal ostheosynthesis, insupportability to the MF.
Contraindications include pregnancy, neoplastic disease, active TB, juvenile diabetes, thyrotoxicosis, bleeding from alimentary system, severe infections, presence of electronic implants (pacemaker)
Characteristic of US waves
Mechanical waves of the material particles (air, water, tissue). Frequency over the limits of the sounds, receipted by the human ear. The application of pure US = US therapy.
Ultrasound has a frequency of 20000 to 10^8 Hz.
Form of US in which topical liposoluble medication driven through skin – phonophoresis or sonophoresis.
Piezielectric effect and reverse piezoelectric effect
Piezoelectric effect = capacity of some crystals to transform the mechanical energy in electrical energy. (mechanical energy ! electrical energy).
Reverse piezoelectric effect = the deformation of some crystals placed in electric field can generate mechanical waves of the material particles (electrical energy ! mechanical energy).
Describe effects of US
Thermal effect (US absorped by the tissue and acoustic energy transformed into heat, mostly absorbed and attenuated by bone then tendon, skin, muscle, fat). US produces temp of up to 46 degrees Celsius.
Nonthermal effects:
Cavitation (gas bubble production in sound field due to turbulence with generation of UV-light and luminescence).
Acoustic streaming – unidirectional movement of compressible material or medium due to pressure asymmetries caused by travelling US waves.
Standing waves – superposition of high and low pressure waves at half wavelength interval
Micro- massage of tissue – from cavitation Facilitation of tissue healing.
At low intensities biological effects: hyperemia, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, bactericid effect, stimulation of metabolism, antispastic effect, fibrinolytic effect.
Physiological effect: stimulation of metabolism, regeneration of tissues, antiinflam, analgesic, sympatheticolysis.
Indications For US
Management of soft tissue dysfunctions (joint contractures, keloids, tendonitis, bursitis calcarean, myositis ossificans, skeletal muscle spasms, post herpetic neuralgic pain); facilitate tissue healing in dermal ulcers, incision wounds, tendon surgery, bone fractures, nerve compression injuries.
What is direct electric current
The electric charge (current) only flows in one direction
It is an electric current which periodically reverses direction
What is an interference at medium frequency electric currents?
When the wave trains are superimposed in profound tissues and generate of a new endrofen low freq current with a modulated amplitude and freq 0 -100 Hz.
Electrical muscle stimulation does not normally:
Which of the following is not a potential benefit of cryotherapy?
The audiosonic machine is also known as:
Cardiac pacemaker:
Joint effusion, facial neuropathy, muscle atrophy:
Electrode orientation should be placed parallel to the muscle fibers along the line of pull of the muscle group:
Decrease impedance:
Increase local circulation→Large electrode size
Increased impedance→Small electrode size
Dermal wounds should be treated 5-7 days/week for best results with HVPC indications:
Contraindications of malignancy:
Patient with a bladder stimulator is C/I for:
Osteomyelitis is C/I for:
Frequency: 30 - 200 pulse/sec. Amplitude: 1 - 500 V. Duration of tx: 10 - 60 minutes/session.
Sudden cessation of current can also cause a shock when the current used is:
Following type of capacitor is used in short wave diathermy:
The physiological effects of cryotherapy are primarily a result of which of the following?
Which one is a C/I for cold therapy?
Which of the following examinations should not be performed following cryotherapy?
What effect does cryotherapy have on patients with spasticity?
Which of the following is the most effective for myofascial pain syndrome?
a) Ice massage
b) Vapocoolant spray
c) Cold compression unit
d) Gel cold pack
Which of the following modalities produces sound frequency ranges that are unable to be heard by human ears?
a) US
b) Aquasound
c) Diathermy d) Vibraphones
Which of the following modalities will reduce blood flow to tissues?
Which of the following modalities is capable of delivering heat to tissues?
What type of energy does diathermy use to heat biological tissues?
Which can be used to facilitate recruitment of quadriceps femoris after knee surgery?
Which of the following is the most appropriate for proliferative stage of tissue healing?
Which of the following properties of water can be used to increase resistance for downward limb and body movements in water?
Which of the following is an absolute C/I for pool therapy?
Which of the following ranges is required for a thermal modality to cause a therapeutic effect?
Which of the following is an expected neuromuscular response to heat?
Which of the following physiological responses to heat will facilitate vasodilation?
The effects of heat on CT include all except:
Which of the following lists only include C/I for heating agents?
Which is an advantage of using heat over cold for patient interventions?
One advantage of heat over cold therapy is:
Which statement is true when comparing SWD with US?
a) US more effective because it can heat tissues more deeply
b) For a given treatment duration, SWD can heat a much larger area
c) SWD is always a better choice for tissue heating
d) US can increase tissue temperatures to vigorous levels and SWD achieves only
mild heating
38) Therapeutic effects of diathermy include:
39) Which of the following includes only C/I and precautions for diathermy?
40) Which would be best to heat posterior hip joint capsule prior to joint mobilization?
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