List clinical features of beta thalassemia.
Minor variant: unremarkable symptoms (low risk of hemolysis, rarely splenomegaly)
Major variant
Severe hemolytic anemia that often requires transfusions → secondary iron overload due to hemolysis, transfusion, or both → secondary hemochromatosis
Growth retardation
Skeletal deformities (high forehead, prominent zygomatic bones, and maxilla)
Transient aplastic crisis (secondary to infection with parvovirus B19) [7]
Sickle cell beta thalassemia
Features of sickle cell disease
Severity depends on the amount of β-globin synthesis.
List clinical features of alpha thalassemia.
Silent carrier: asymptomatic
Alpha thalassemia trait: mild hemolytic anemia with normal RBC and RDW
Hemoglobin H disease
Jaundice and anemia at birth
Chronic hemolytic anemia that may require transfusions → secondary iron overload due to hemolysis, transfusion, or both → secondary hemochromatosis
Skeletal deformities (less common)
Compared to thalassemia beta, symptoms in adults are generally less severe.
Hb-Bart's hydrops fetalis syndrome (most severe variant of alpha thalassemia)
Intrauterine ascites and hydrops fetalis, severe hepatosplenomegaly, and often cardiac and skeletal anomalies
Incompatible with life (death in utero or shortly after birth)
Last changed2 years ago