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What is a stem cell?
Functional definition: stem cell can self-renew and differentiate.
when differentiated, a stem cell has permenant change of state.
> how to become permenant: by changing the genetic or epigenetic level of the cell (heritable & beyond cell division; expression maintainance; DNA methylation…etc).
when self-renew, regeneration by the processes of homeostasis and repair.
differentiate the cells according to the same lineage.
How do stem cells work?
What are pluripotent stem cells?
What types are there?
The ability of single cells to give rise to (all) primary embryonic lineages is termed pluripotency
This explains the aspect of differentiation of a stem cell
Totipotent: zygote
Nullipotent: can only make itself
Embryonic stem cells characteristics
Somatic stem cells characteristics
Gene expression analysis helps in the understanding of the genetic attributes of stem cells.
The intensity of this signature correlates to the level of differentiation across all of the human tissues analyzed.
The intensity of this signature can differentiate the histological grade for a variety of human tumours, this suggests potential therapeutic and diagnostic implications.
The signature is not consistently associated with either the tumor-initiating or non-tumor-initiating population!
What is the relationship between pluripotent states?
There two phases of pluripotency, called naïve and primed.
The formative phase - the relationship between the two phases - is proposed to be a “developmental space” between the naïve and primed phases.
It enables the execution of pluripotency, including remodelling of transcriptional, epigenetic, signalling and metabolic networks to build multi-lineage competence.
(B) cells transit sequentially through naïve to formative to primed forms of pluripotency en route to lineage commitment.
Last changed2 years ago