Name the category.
Genitourinary agents.
List the drugs.
Clotrimazole (cream, pessaries)
Conjugated oestrogens
What kind of drug is bethanechol?
Direct parasympathomimetic
What is the pharmacological characteristic of bethanechol?
No nicotinic agonism
Resistant to AChE
What are indications for bethanechol?
Postoperative and neurogenic ileus and urinary retention: ↑ bladder smooth muscle tone
What are contraindications for bethanechol?
Peptic ulcer.
Latent or active bronchial asthma.
Coronary artery disease (CAD).
Pronounced bradycardia or hypotension.
Vasomotor instability.
Condition in which the strength or integrity of the GI or bladder wall is in question or when increased muscular activity of GI tract or urinary bladder might prove harmful (e.g., recent urinary bladder surgery, GI resection and anastomosis) or when there is possible obstruction of GI tract or bladder neck, spastic GI disturbances, acute inflammatory GI tract lesions, peritonitis, or marked vagotonia.
Known hypersensitivity to the drug or any ingredient in the formulation.
What kind of drug is clotrimazole?
Imidazole derivate (antifungal)
What is the clinical use of clotrimazole?
Primarily topical fungal infections
Vaginal candidiasis
Tinea infections
Oropharyngeal candidiasis
List adverse effects of topical use of clotrimazole.
Local burning sensation
What kind of drug is dinoprostone?
Cox 1 and 2 inhibitor.
What is the mechanism of action and clinical use of dinoprostone?
Relaxes vascular smooth muscle → vasodilation
Increases uterine tone and softens the cervix during labor
Constricts (via EP1 and EP3 receptors) or dilates (via EP2 receptors) bronchi [39]
Raises body temperature
Increases sensitivity to pain
Inhibits lipolysis
Decreases gastric acid secretion
Increases HCO3- and mucus secretion
Use: Cervical ripening (cervix softening for labor indcution)
What is the use of ergometrine (ergonovine)?
Postpartum hemorrhage in presence of uterine atony
List the uses of oxytocin.
Labor induction
Augmention of labor
Postpartum control uterine bleeding
Termination of pregnancy
List contraindications of oxytocin.
Substantial cephalopelvic disproportion.
Unfavorable fetal position or presentation (e.g., transverse lies) undeliverable without conversion before delivery.
Obstetric emergencies where maternal or fetal risk-to benefit ratio favors surgery.
Fetal distress when delivery is not imminent.
Umbilical cord prolapse.
Uterine activity fails to progress adequately.
Hyperactive or hypertonic uterus.
Vaginal delivery is contraindicated (e.g., invasive cervical carcinoma, active genital herpes infection, total placenta previa, vasa previa, cord presentation or prolapse).
Uterine or cervical scarring from previous cesarean section or major cervical or uterine (e.g., transfundal) surgery.
Unengaged fetal head.
History of hypersensitivity to oxytocin or any ingredient in the formulation.
List common adverse effects of oxytocin.
Adverse effects usually are dose related.
Uterine hyperstimulation and subsequent fetal heart rate deceleration most common. (See Uterine Hyperactivity under General Precautions.)
Maternal nausea, vomiting, sinus bradycardia, premature ventricular complexes; probably related to labor and not the drug.
Neonatal hyperbilirubinemia, jaundice, retinal hemorrhage, low Apgar scores at 5 minutes.
What kind of drug is mifepristone?
What is the mechanism of aciton of mifepristone?
Blocks progesterone receptors in the corpus luteum, leading to its dehiscence
What is the clinical use and adverse effects of mifepristone?
Use: Pregnancy termination
Adverse effects:
Abdominal pain
Last changed2 years ago