The modified food pyramid for elderly:
The flag on top suggests what? (3)
Energy balance
Positive balance means more in or more out?
Name the 5 steps of nutrition.
In which 5 situations do you need to have a positive energy balance?
Older adults are at risk of not getting the appropriate amount of? (6)
Name 2 other good sources of dietary calcium besides cow milk.
Besides water and sodium, what is very often also too much consumed by the elderly population?
————— answer first ——
Excessive folic acid consumption may mask or precipitate …
This is associated with? (2)
Lactose intolerance increases/decreases with age, but symptoms increase/decrease with age.
How do you calculate the BMI?
Moderate alcohol consumption is associated with a … risk of:
coronary hear disease
hip fracture
Last changed2 years ago