Is there a clear relationship between age and periodontal disease susceptibility?
Is age a risk factor for PD?
Name 3 things, which can change the microbiology of the biofilm.
Do men or women have a higher prevalence of PD?
Definition Clinical Attachment Loss (CAL)
Define Tooth Mobility I, II, III
Define furcation Grade I, II and III.
Which probe do you use?
How do you calculate the gingival bleeding index correctly?
How’s the Silness-Löe plaque index calculated?
What means Grade 0,1,2 and 3?
How’s the calculus plaque index calculated?
At least how much of the root of a tooth must be included in the bone tissue to keep the maintenance of the function?
When is periodontal surgical treatment indicated?
Why should the patient use chlorhexidine or topical gels for a month after maintenance treatment?
Is periodontal prognosis better in younger or older patients?
Last changed2 years ago