What are some remarks for interpreting M&A cycles
No forecasting power (ex post interpretation)
Numerous triggers and endogenous amplifiers
Different narratives of each merger wave
Determinants: management fads, strategic targets, financial market developments, regulatory, external factor
M&A Cycles- Theories of the emergence of merger waves:
Explain the Neoclassical Theory
Shocks create new environments to which firms react by buying appropriate assets
Economic shocks
Regulatory shocks
Technology shocks
Financial shocks/financial innovations
Explain the Market missvaluation Theory
Assumption of (informationally) inefficient financial markets
Overvaluation of firms
Search for undervalued firms, payments in stocks
Spreads overvaluation across markets
Explain the Behavioural Theory
Imitating behaviour and bandwagon effects
Herd behavior (fear of missing out etc.)
Remuneration incentives lead to greed for size to increase manger income
M&A Wave 1: 1880/97 to 1904
What happened during the 1st wave?
Achieving economies of scale (industrial revolution uses tech. assoc. with large invest. e.g railway)
Mainly horizonatal M&A (1895.1904: 78.3%)
Wave peaks in 1897
Avoiding overcapacities
=> Monopolies/ Oligopolies
Sherman Act didn’t avoid due to insufficiencies
End of wave 1904
Stock market crash and subsequent banking panic deteriorated financing conditions
Supreme court sends signal for more antitrust policies
M&A Wave 2: 1916 to 1929
What happened during the 2nd wave?
Regulatory changes fighting monopoly power
1911:Ruling to split up Standard Oil
Clayton Act to improve sherman
Stricter regulation lead to more vertical M&A
value chain control
Horizontal mergers to consolidate industires-> oligopolistic industries
End of wave 1929
world financial crisis => Black friday
deteriorating financing coditions
M&A Wave 3rd: 1960 to 1970
What happened during the 3rd wave?
Acquisition of unrelated companies
Economic boom of the late 50s 60s->rising stock markets
Management models (Markowitz, pf theory)
Diversification: Diversification of products and industries =>less risk? Conglmerate premium?
Hope for independence from business cycle
Financing mainly by stocks
Large conglomerates emerge in USA
=> END of wave
Deteriorating economic environment, stock market downturn; 1968: court ruling to crack up conglomerates , 1969: accounting changes
M&A Wave 4th: 1981 to 1990
What happened during the 4th wave?M&A cycles
significant increase of hostile mergers / take-overs
Massive increase of merger size, larger targets
USA: deregulation, reduced taxation
LBO preferential taxes for debt
Finance driven M&As are dominating (LBO wave)
Surging stock markets in the 1980s
Corporate raider; increasing relevance of investment banks
Consolidation of some industires (oil)
Europe: preparation of domestic market
Focusing on core businesses (divestiture, demerger)
=> End 1987/90: Stock market crash 1978, crash of junk bond market and mild recesison 1990
=> Reaction regulation: stipulations on debt financing of M&A
M&A Wave 5th: 1993 to 2000
What happened during the 5th wave?
Globalization, deregultation, digitization, shareholder value-strategy as drivers (industry shocks)
“new economy”/new business models
Mega mergers, merger of equals, international deals-> first international wave
Strategic mergers, Consolidation as a target(snyergies)
Friendly take-overs - increas of equity financing
Dominating industries: software, telecom, internet, media
Bad performance of mergers of acquirers:
=> End 2000: stock market cash
M&A Wave 6th: 2003 to 2007/2008
What happened during the 6th wave?
Transaction within industries
larger SME involvement
Interest rates: too long too low => cheap financing and abundant liquidity
Debt finaced deals, less equity financing
Return of financial investors, PE funds use cheap money
Globalization: Integration of emerging markets
Increase of hostile take-overs (PE)
=> End= financial crisis 2007-09
Afterwards: Emergency transactions also in finacial industry
Debt became more expensive
What were the consequences of the financial crisis 2008 and 2009 on M&A activities
Number and volume of deals decreased sign.
Reduction of transaction size
Withdrawn and renegotiated deals, emergency deals
Distressed deals
Increase of national transactions
Cash financing increases (not necessarily related to financial crisis)
Reduction of financial investors
Government funds, governments instead of PE and investment funds
Since then: M&A-market without driving dynamics, nevertheless volumes on elevated levels
Perspective: Drivers of 7th wave?
Since 2010: No surge in M&A transactions but slowly increasing and decreasing volume
Increasing activities of soverreign funds and emerging
Need for consolidation in some industries (telcom, helath, financial)
Catch up: withdrawn or delayed deals of the financial crisis
Low interest rates: perfect environment for debt financing
PE investors
Increasing stock markets: share of financing
Outlook 2021 and current development?
Record levels of M&A activities
overvalued M&As?
During Covid?
Dry powder at record levels
Outlook 2021
What are key deal intentions?
Increasing operational capabilities
Acquirig tech, talent, startups
response to regulatory, supply chain, tariffs etc.
Last changed2 years ago