Exogenous triggers and drivers
What are economic aspects regarding business cycle and structural developments?
industry consolidation
risk taking
expansion strategies (business cycle): “fair-weather activities”
internationalization, international division of labor
management of value added
technological progress
e.g british automotive sector
What are econommic aspects regarding financial markets and market for transactions?
financing options
financial investors
alternative asset investments
monetary policy
banking and financial market supervisors
e.g financing options
Name the 4 categories of motives and targets
Fundamental motives
Speculative motives
Management motives
Seller motives
Growth: a non-motive for M&A
Actually a target?
Two types of growth
Growth by increasing assets = Create size
Growth by more efficient use of assets= Creates value
Fundamental motives:
Explain the basics of the Efficiency theory
Theory: Industrial economics
Synergies in the operations of the companies
rational, microeconomic reasoning
M&A intends to realize synergies by combining companies
Synergies cannot be realized by one of the companies alone
Realization of synergies increases the companys’s value (or promotes company’s targets)
Name the 6 economies of XY that are key to the Efficiency theory
Economies of scale
Economies of scope
Economies of skills
Economies of speed
Economies of innovation
Economies of risk
Efficiency Theory: Synergy potential and Synergy
synergy potential vs. realized synergies
synergies vs dyssynergies (e.g. loss of human capital,..)
Efficiency Theory: Developing synergies
Cost synergies and revenue synergies = operating synergies
In addition: financial, strategic and mngt. related synergies
additive synergies (critical mass) and complementary synergies (symbiotic mergers)
One-off and continuous synergies
Varying “hardness” of synergies (prob. of syngeries and their realization)
Describe Operating synergies
combining processes
improved size of companies (fixed cost degression, productvity)
specialization and learning curve effects
economies of scale, economies of scope, economies of skills
Describe Strategic synergies (RBV)
M&A for strategic development
combination of two compnaies necessary to develop strategy for the future (integration of an innovator, acess to new markets)
economies of risk, economies of innovation, economies speed
closer related to resource-based view
Describe Financial synergies
improved distribution of risks
better access to capital markets
reduced financing costs
internal capital markets
Co.insurance hypothesis -> several income sources will reduce insolvency risks
economies of risk, economies of scale
Describe Management related synergies
improved mngmt, reduction of mngmt size
combining mngmt. strength
removing mngmt. waeknesses of the acquired company
economies of scale, economies of skills, economies of innovation
What is the key criticism on the Efficiency theory
highly relevant in practice; basis for almost every M&A
alt. for realizing economies of scale arent considered
problems in quantiffying and implementing some synergies
threat of strategic overestimation
disregading dyssynergies
losses during the negotiation process
disregarding transaction costs
basis for acquisition price offer
Resource-& competence-based approach
Explain first the 5 conditions of the RBV
Resources are not easy to imitate
Resources are not easy to substitute
Resources are specific to the company
Resources help to create value for customers
Incomplete factor markets
Explain the Resource based approach in the M&A context
Resources are “ all assets, capabilities, organizational processes, information, knowledge etc controlled by the firm to develop and implement their strategy
Rational microeconomic reasoning
M&A as an instrument of strat. mngmt. of resources (access to external resources)
Companies as a system of company specific resources->success factors->competitive adv.
RBV in contrast to MBV (cost leadership, differentiation)
Resources influence M&A strategy
M&A strategy influences resources
Explain how?
Set of resources can be extended by acquiring additional resources or by merging with resiurces of another company
Resource gaps can be closed by strategic acquisitions
Utilization of resource complementarities
Enhanced development potential for new resoruces
Better protection of existing resources by acquiring other resources
-> competitiveness
-> economies of speed compared to internal development
Define the competence based approach
Company’s superior capabilitiy to combine existing resources create comp. adv. core competences:
Creating customer value
Uniqueness, hard to copy
Extendable to other markets
Explain the role of the competence based approach
Competence-based approach supplements and complements the resource-based approach
=> company success is based on core competences which lead to differences in the efficiency of resoruces
- Core Competences: Capabilties specific to a company in order to successfully combine resources
E.g.: repeatable procedural interaction patterns, cognitive patterns, corp. culture
=> Complex composition of CC impedes transfer or imitation
Resource-& competence-based approach:
Regarding the dynamics conclude on M&A, RBV, and CC
Companies continously have to overcome challenges by actively managing resources and (core) competences.
M&A strategy as part of corp. development
M&A for strategic investors
Elaborate on the critique
Identifying the resources and competences (acquirer and target) -> hard
Ignoring alternatives (ccoperation)
Realtionship btw resources and capabilities/competences has to be further elaborated
Frequently ex-post reasoning
High scientific relevance
Diversification theory:
What is the theory about and what are the connections?
Coneccted to efficiency theory and resource-based approach
Separate focus: lateral M&A
-> Increasing company value by diversifiying the company pf.
-> rational, microec, reasoning
less volatility in cf, lower bankruptcy risk
Financial synergies: smooth cf, co insurance
Explain the connections in detail regarding:
Financial synergies
RBV approach
No real div. but supplementation
Financial synerg. see efficiency theory
Resource-based approach (overcapacities of resources)
M&A to diversify in order to reduce overcapacities (new business areas, new markets)
Specificity of not utilized resources-> constraints options for diversification
Close relationship (product, market)-> diversification in similar markets, small losses of efficiency
Low specificity, wide options for diversification
More successful M&A in related markets
Supplementing product segments (supplementing strengths/weaknesses in the prod. pf) economies of scope
Acquisition of innovators (instead of buying licenses)-> economies of speed
Acquisition of distributors (add. sales channels) -> economies of speed, exploring and entering new markets
e.g.: 3rd M&A wave
What is the main critique of it?
Perfect capital markets and principle of additivity (of cf): Sum of income streams equals the income stream of the combined (new) company
Private inv. diversify thei pf and don’t pay premia for shares of div. firms
Abundant resources can be sold
Checking alt. orga. options (cooperation)
Theoretically plausible but disappointing empirics
Sales, outsourcing as a consequence
=> Specialization is what we observe
Transaction cost theory:
Describe briefly and mention conditions.
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