What is metabolic syndrome?
Combination of medical dissorders that increase the risk of cardiovascular diseases
Other names
Reavens syndrome
Insulin Resistance syndrome
Combination of 3 factors
Common Symptoms of metabolic Syndrome?
Central obesity
High blood pressure
Type 2 diabetis mellitus
Impaired glucose metabolism and tolarence
Elevated triglycerides
Besides the metabolic risk factors which factors can cause the metabolic syndrome?
Classic factors:
Novel risk factors
Genetic reasons
family history
What is Corony heart disease ? (ischemic heart siseas)
Group of heart diseas including:
angina (chest pain)
mydocardial infaction (heart attack)
cardiac death
atherosclerosis of the artery
plaque builds up (coronary artery)
Angina Pectoris
reduce of the herats oxygen supply
oxygen deprivation causing pain
Nitroglyceri - drug to relax the veins
Beta blockers to control overacivity of heart muscle
irregularity in heart rhythm
Tachycardia- racing heart
Bradycardia- abnormally slow heartbeat
Fibrillation- heart beat is sporadic, quivering pattern
Congestive Heart Fauilure
damaged or overworked heart muscle is unable to keep blood circulating
damage is caused by other cardiovascular disease
lack of proper circulation
treatment: Diuretic relieve fluid accumulation
Angioplasty Versus Bypass what is what?
thin catheter is threaded trough the blocked ateries
the cathether contains a baloon on its tip wich inflated to flatten the fatty deposits
Why is aspirin used for heart diseses?
80 mg beneficial to heart patients
due to its blood thinning properties
side effects:
gastronstetinal in tolerance
difficulty of blood clotting
Mechanism of asprin
What is the mechanism of nitroglyerin?
Nitroglycerin decompose into CO
Nitric oxide has a relaxing (dilating) effect on smooth muscle
smooth muscle cells in the walls of the blood vessels, it has a vasodilatory effect
particularly strong in large veins and large arteries
filling pressure of the heart (preload) is reduced
by dilating the large arteries, their compliance increases, the blood pressure falls, and with it the pressure against which the heart must eject the blood (afterload).
Aspirin (Acetylsalecyl acid)
inhibitation of cyclooxygenase COX1 and COX2
acetylating agent where an acetyl group is covalently attached to a serine residue in the active site of the PTGS enzyme
Inhibitory effect on platelet aggregation during the lifetime of the affected platelet
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