Was ist ein großer Unterschied zwischen Only search engines und allen anderen Websites?
Only Search Engines want to get rid of users asap - all other websites want to keep user as long as possible
Was hat Einfluss auf die Listung bei Google?
Quality of content
Usability of webpages
Was sind Indikatoren für Quality of content
What does Google know about that website?
how have useres behaved that Google sent there in the past
What are others saying about that website
are many people searching for that website
Was sind Indikatoren für Usability of webpages
mobile usability
How fast is the website loading
easy to use with mobile
text size
Abstand von den Sachen auf die man klicken kann (links)
no content “jumping” while loading
Was ist gut für Google?
extensive content
great structure with subheadlines to help find the right info that you need
great mobile usability
more content available (internal links)
Was heißt trust?
viele andere Websites linken zu der Website, auch sehr gute/vertrauensvolle Websites
Was heißt demand?
Viele Leute suchen nach der Website und klicken auf URLs dieser Websites
Was heißt transparency
authors, sources - alles einsehbar (visible)
Was ist extensive content
alle wichtigsten Details zu einem Thema können auf der Website gefunden werden
Was ist auch gut?
one clear, visible module to push trust and power is the “all categories” page
Desktop: Visible Links, Inpage Navigation
Mobile: Well crafted Inpage-Filter
dedicated navigation
viele internal links
How to compete successfully (Bsp dm)
Generating clicks because clicks have a value
(aber kleine Bounce Rate)
Sachen, die nicht explizit zu deinem Geschäft passen, aber zu den Produkten die du kaufst (dm: Blog mit wissenswertem für werdende mütter, hat >4000 products around child, baby & pregnancy)
follow demand trends
Tutorials mit 60% content & 40% e-commerce teasers
Beispiele, die NY Times gut macht in ihrem Artikel
“The 50 best movies on Netflix right now”
riding on the popularity of a huge brand (Netflix)
the trust of a great media brand (NYtimes)
the content that is demanded (500.000 monthly searches just for “best movies on netflix”)
Content that fits the intent
last updatet nov 22
movie title & details
long text, long time spent on website
links that help other URLs on their website
best tv shows on netflix
best movies on prime
everything on hulu
links from other URLs to help this URL
Wrap up: First steps in SEO
Last changed2 years ago