I see a girl standing next to her horse daisy she looks Native American she wears a traditionally red dress Red means earth or blood.children learn to ride a horse from an early age. Horses help with transportation, and horses eat herbs
i see a group of women wearing colourful clothes I think they are in a Indian wedding Everyone wears an Indian sari.
There's a meaning to every color in different countries.
Like orange means happiness in Japan.
globalization is here to stay. And if that means we'll understand each other better, that's a good thing.
In the picture, I can see a man working in a food truck, The food on the menu is varied. He is wearing green chef’s clothes and a black turban . He seems to be enjoying his work.
I see two men and three women who seem to be in a meeting. They all wear blue and gray suits, you have to be polite, listen and ask questions about the meeting, don't forget to continue your meeting with phone calls and e-mails.
The man is a shepherd with a long mustache and a short and gray beard. He wears white clothes and a red turban. He carries a wooden stick.
He has a very shiny expression. Maybe he's happy.
Last changed2 years ago