List findings of lab studies.
↑ Troponin T/I
↑ Creatine kinase-MB
Describe ECG findings.
ECG is abnormal in > 95% of patients with takotsubo cardiomyopathy and usually shows ischemic changes. [1]
ST elevations (most common finding), typically in the precordial leads
ST depressions are uncommon (< 10% of cases).
Diffuse T-wave inversions
Prolonged QT interval
Describe TTE.
Indications: all patients suspected of having takotsubo cardiomyopathy
Supportive findings
Global LV dyskinesis involving the apex (most common)
Regional wall motion abnormalities
Apical left ventricular ballooning (not always present)
More rarely, midventricular ballooning (10–20% of cases) or basal ballooning (< 5% of cases) may be present [1]
LVOT obstruction may be present (up to 25% of cases) [1]
Describe coronary angiography.
(with ventriculography) [2]
Indications: to exclude ACS
Most cases: normal coronary arteries or nonobstructive coronary artery disease
∼ 15% of cases: obstructive coronary artery disease may also be present
Describe the cardiac MRI.
To exclude differential diagnoses (e.g., myocarditis) and confirm the diagnosis of takotsubo cardiomyopathy in stable patients
Allows for better imaging of the right ventricle
Suggestive findings
Similar to findings in TTE
Transmural edema along the areas of wall motion abnormalities
Myocardial scarring
Possible additional findings
LVOT obstruction
Valve disease
Pericardial effusion
LV thrombus
Describe coronary CT angiography.
consider as an alternative for stable patients with contraindications to cMRI to exclude high-grade coronary stenosis
List DDs.
Acute coronary syndrome
Acute myocarditis
See differential diagnosis of chest pain.
Last changed2 years ago