Describe teh approach.
Initial evaluation: laboratory studies and RUQ ultrasound (consider biliary POCUS if available)
If ultrasound findings are inconclusive, consider HIDA scan, abdominal MRI, or abdominal CT to confirm the diagnosis.
Assess for choledocholithiasis
Once the diagnosis is confirmed, determine the severity
Diagnostic criteria (table).
List lab studies to support the clinical diagnosis.
CBC: Leukocytosis is most common, but WBC count may be normal in up to 40% of patients.
CRP: elevated
Blood cultures: should be obtained, especially in patients with grade III acute cholecystitis
Bile cultures: should be obtained in patients undergoing laparoscopic cholecystectomy or gallbladder drainage
List tests to assess the severity of disease.
Blood gas analysis: PaO2/FiO2 ratio < 300 in severely ill patients
BMP: AKI, electrolyte derangements may be present in patients with severe disease
PT/INR: coagulopathy in patients with severe disease
List tests to rule out related biliary comorbidities.
should be obtained in all patients with suspected cholecystitis
LFTs [14][16]
Mild elevations in AST and ALT are possible in acute cholecystitis.
Signs of cholestasis (↑ bilirubin, ↑ ALP, ↑ GGT) are uncommon in cholecystitis; if present consider biliary obstruction (see ''Diagnosis of choledocholithiasis'' and ''Cholangitis'')
Lipase, amylase
Mild elevation of amylase may be seen in acute cholecystitis [17]
Elevation of lipase or amylase ≥ 3 times the normal is suggestive of acute biliary pancreatitis.
Describe the RUQ transabdominal ultrasound.
Indications: preferred initial imaging modality in suspected acute cholecystitis [9][10]
Characteristic findings [10]
Gallbladder wall thickening > 3–5 mm [7]
Gallbladder distention (8–10 x 4 cm) [10][18]
Gallbladder wall edema (double-wall sign): The innermost and outermost layers appear hyperechoic; edematous tissue appears as a hypoechoic layer in between.
Sonographic Murphy sign: Tenderness upon compression of the gallbladder with the ultrasound transducer
Pericholecystic free fluid
Presence of gallstones and/or biliary sludge
In emphysematous cholecystitis, mural air appears as hyperechoic shadows within the gallbladder wall.
Important consideration: The CBD should be assessed for choledocholithiasis (see ''Diagnosis of choledocholithiasis” for further details).
Describe the cholescintigraphy.
Commonly referred to as hepatobiliary iminodiacetic acid scintigraphy or a HIDA scan.
Indications: preferred confirmatory test for suspected uncomplicated acute cholecystitis if ultrasound findings are inconclusive
High sensitivity (96%) and specificity (90%); considered the gold standard test to diagnose acute cholecystitis
Can differentiate between acute and chronic cholecystitis
Characteristic findings
Normal: gallbladder visualized within 4 hours of administration of radioactive tracer
Acute cholecystitis: gallbladder is not visualized within 4 hours
Describe the MRI abdomen without and with IV contrast.
Alternative to CT or HIDA scan in suspected acute cholecystitis with inconclusive ultrasound findings
Either of the following in patients with contraindications to CT:
Suspected complications of cholecystitis
Clinical diagnosis of acute cholecystitis unclear
Suspected choledocholithiasis (MRCP)
Characteristic findings: Similar to ultrasound findings
Describe the CT abdomen without and with IV contrast.
An alternative to MRI or HIDA scan in suspected acute cholecystitis with inconclusive ultrasound findings [9][21]
Suspected emphysematous cholecystitis [10]
Suspected complications of acute cholecystitis [7][10]
Clinical diagnosis of acute cholecystitis unclear [2][7]
Characteristic findings: similar to those on ultrasound and MRI
List DDs for RUQ with fever.
Acute cholangitis
Liver abscess
Acute hepatitis
Acute necrotizing pancreatitis
Acalculous cholecystitis
Chronic cholecystitis
Bile leak (Iatrogenic)
List DDs for RUQ without fever.
Biliary colic
Acute gastritis
Acute pancreatitis
Chronic pancreatitis
Acute GERD
Sphincter of Oddi dysfunction
Congestive hepatopathy
Gallbladder cancer
Pancreatic cancer
Last changed2 years ago