What is the basic makeup of the internet?
compromised of independent networks:
AS of different types
What are some examples for ASes?
ISPs offering transit (e.g. Telekom, Vodafone)
Campus Netowks (organisations maintaining networks at one or more locaionts -> universities, companies)
datacenter networks (operated by large IT companies e.g. Facebook and hosting providers e.g. Amazon AWS)
content delivery networks (e.g. akamai, google, cloudflare)
How many AS can a organization manage?
zero, one, more…
How distributed are AS?
some local
some worldwide
What do routing protocols do?
Routing protocols find a path towards a destination and allow to create Forwarding tables
How do routers use forwarding tables?
Routers use Forwarding tables for per-packet lookup to determine outgoing interface
What router types are in an AS?
border router
connect different ASes
core router
routers inside AS
and in core of internet (middle of interent…)
edge router
close to edge of internet (not rally many AS around…)
What types of Networks exist ?
transit AS
forward traffic from one AS to another
Stub AS
AS which is connected to only one other AS
Multi-Homed AS
AS which is connected to multiple AS
doen’t forward traffic on their behalf
What routing protocol types exist?
inter domain protocol (inter AS routing)
exchange routing info between ASes
-> called Exterior Gateway Protocol
=> de facto only BGPv4 used
intra domain routing
used to determine path and routing info INSIDE an AS
-> called interior gateway protocol
examples: OSPF, RIP
Difference fragestellung IGP, EGP?
EGP: which AS to transfer packet to?
IGP: which intra-AS route to use to reach this neighboring AS? (also if end AS -> where to deliver packet to…)
What is the Routing Information Base?
all routing inforamtion a router can gather from updated of neighboring routers
may contain multiple routes to the same destination
path selection also depends on business considerations (policy routing)
What is the forwarding informatino base?
mapping from destinatino IP network address (prefix) to outgoing interface or next hop router IP address -> effectively the routing table…
UNIQUE entry for EACH destination
use longest-prefix matching (LPM)
What are forwarding decisions / forwarding?
algorithm uses FIB to decide how to forward individual packets
Connection RIB, FIB, Forwarding?
RIB: all available infromation
-> apply routing algorithm
FIB -> has best path to destinatinos, based on RIB (routing table)
-> use to make forwarding decisions by lookup (LPM)
What routing protocols influence the FIB based on the destination location (inside / outside AS)?
internal destioatnios -> only intra-AS
external destinations -> inter-AS AND intra-AS
What are the tasks of inter-AS routing?
receiving packet from other AS
-> to which other border router should the packet be forwarded to?
=> needs to learn which destinaitons are reachable via other AS
-> propagate reachability info to all routers within AS
How does inter-AS set up forwarding tables?
border router learns that an AS is only reachable via AS2
-> propagates this information to the internal routers…
-> internal (core) routers use this information and calculate shortest path to gateway router to AS2 and put corresponding interface entry into their routing table…
How do routers choose among multiple AS?
-> multiple optoins
-> inter-AS decides best path (via which AS should it go…)
-> and then again propagate informaiton (not task of internal routers… -> they only get one option basically…)
Comparison tasks intra and inter AS routing protocol?
inter AS:
onyl for destiation outside of own AS
used to determine gateway router
also: steer traffic from one as to another via own…
used for destinations within own AS
used to reach gateway routers for outside destinations
How are AS identified?
each AS has unique AS number
What routing model is the basis of BGP?
path vector
How do BGP routers decide next AS for specific destinations?
business decision…
-> policy based
What updates are contained in BGP (path vector…)
contains all ASes on the path towards the destination…
=> allows loop detecion…
What BGP variants are there?
iBGP (internal bgp)
BGP exchanges information with routers in the same AS
eBGP (external BGP)
BGP exchanges information with routers of neighboring ASes
How does an organization gets its subnet?
gets allocated portion of provider ISPs address space…
What does hierarchical routing allow for?
efficient advertisement fo routing information
-> e.g. ISP has /32
-> announces that it takes all for /32
-> forwards it to its clients (organizations with AS) that got part of the ISPs address space…
-> other ISP announces more specific if it has better route…
Differences iBGP and eBGP?
both routers have the same ASN
propagates also informaiton on externally reachable pefixes to routers within AS
routers have different ASNs
What protocol does BGP use?
What message types are there in BGP?
opens connection between two routers
close the connection
send error codes
announce new route, or un-reachability of an old one
What is contained in the BGP UPDATE message?
destination prefix
AS path (list of ASes taht have to be traversed)
next hop (IP address of router sending the update)
origin (from what protocol is it learned ? via IGP/EGP/other)
Local Preference (prefer one gateway over anotehr)
multi exit discriminator (if multiple entries into an AS exist (i.e. multiple border routers to that AS) -> says which is prefferred)
How is the AS path extended?
each announcing AS prepends its own ASN to it…
Does BGP only decide based on info in UPDATE message?
no -> local informatoin (preference) has influence…
What is the criteria list for route selection?
local preference value attribute : policy decision
shortest AS_PATH
closest NEXT-HOP routers outside AS : hot potato routing
additional criteria (e.g. lowest MED when different border routers to same neighboring AS exist…)
What is hot potato routing?
always hand traffic over as fast as possible…
-> the longer the packet is transferred INSIDE an AS, the more it costs
=> choosing nearest connection site minimizes cost
=> leads to assymetric routing…
=> e.g. german people:
drive from iffezheim to straßbourg on german side until very close
=> french people:
drive on alsace site until i.e. wintersdorf…
What types of peering relaitonships exist?
private -> direct connection to (frequently large) AS
public: exchanging traffic with other ASes at an IXP
What is peering? How can it for example be established?
two ASes peer -> if have kind of BGP relationship (i.e. two ASes directly connected)
-> protocol viewpoint: irrelevant if one party pays the other party
-> alternative viewpoint (policy viewpoint) : arrowly peering implies there is no financial compensation…
=> can be establised
lengthy contracts
sysadmins talking with each other
How can private peering be established?
install cable from server room of AS1 to server room of AS2
use colocation center operated by carrier neutral data center provider
peering at coloation center operated by carrier
What are some private peering use cases?
exchange large amount of traffic with single AS
attractive setup for upstream providers
interconnection of, within and inbetween datacenters
How is public peering done?
use peering locaiton
-> switch in middle
-> allow to connect to lots of ASes
=> payment per switch port, priced by connection speed…
Use cases public peering?
peer with as many ASes as possible…
reduce traffic you send to your upstream provider…
What are basic policy routing principles?
route via customer (financial gain)
route via peer (no financial gain or loss)
route via provider (financial loss)
=> announce routers that incur financial gain (used by customers…)
=> announce routes that reduce costs if peers use them
=> do not announce ruots that incur financial loss (as long as alternative path exists)
WHat aer the rules for stub ASes in temrs of announcements?
provider AS announces routes for reaching the whole internet to customer AS…
-> customer AS announces routes for reaching its prefixes to provider AS
=> the more traffic the customer sends to the provider or receives from the provider -> the more money the provier makes…
=> customer relationship indicated with
customer -> provider
What are the rules for multi-homed ASes?
=> multi-homed: several providers
several AS announce routes for reaching whole internet
customer announces own prefixes to ASes
the mroe traffic exchange with a provdier -> the mroe money it makes
=> customer chooses cheapest / best quality provider
=> customer only announces own prefixes to the chosen providers..
=> if announce other prefixes, provider will route over it (-> no benefit, only financial loss…)
How may a customer manipulate announcements to discourage the use of expensive providers for incoming traffic?
adding his AS number several time to path in BGP announcement
Announcement situation stub?
provider tells customer all rotues
customer anounces its own stuff
Announcement situation multi-homed?
customer anounces to the one with better price /quality
wont announce other prefixes -> onyl cost due to proviers routing throuth it
may announce to not chosen one (to have additional route possible) but prepends own ASN multple tome to increase AS PATH
Announcement situation customer -> intermed provder -> provider?
All announce from their customer
-> intermediate pays provider for traffic from customer
-> but also gets money from customer…
Announcement situation customer -> provider <-> peer of provider?
provider tells peer about own prefixes and customers
-> no cost but gain from customer
Rule of thump for packet travel?
upstream: sequence of customer -> provide links
downstream: provider -> customer
Is there somethign outside of provider/customer or peering?
sibliung = mutual transit agreement
=> provide connectivity to rest of internet for each other
=> very extensive peering…
Examples of sibling peering?
two small ASes close to each other that cannot / do not want to afford additional interenet services
merging of two companies
merging two AS difficult
-> simply peering and exhcnage everything -> easy
What are the tiers in BGP?
differnet levels of providers
Tier1 (default free zone): only peering, no providers
TIer 2: only peerings and one or more Tier 1 provider
Tier 3: at least one tier 2 as provider
Tier n: at least one tier n-1 provier
tier 1.5 -> almost tier 1 but pays for some links
Name some Tier 1 providers
deutsche telekom AG
KPN International
Summary import policy: which routes to use
select path that incurs most money
special / political consideratoins (e.g. not through russia…)
Summary export policy: which routes to propagate to other ASes?
export only
if it incurs money
if it reduces cost
if it is inevitable
How can one rank ASes?
number of direct and indirect customerrs
alternative: k-core algo
How does k-core work?
k-core -> minimal number of edger per node
=> i.e. if every node has a connection -> 1-core …
get 2-core:
remove all nodes of degree <= 1 recursively
did you remove any node?
yes: goto step 1
no: return
=> resutls in 2-core
=> 3-core: take 2-core and recusrively remove nodes of degree <= 2…
Last changed2 years ago