What is evolution?
The process of organismal change and diversification through generational time from shared common ancestry.
Darwin: ‘Descent with modification’
Microevolution happens on a small scale (within a single population), while macroevolution happens on a scale that transcends the boundaries of a single species
Microevolution can result in complex structure.
Properties of evolution
• Evolution is not the only process generating seemingly complex forms (e.g. snowflakes)
• Ultimately genetic variation is the raw material for evolution (not only phenotype)
• Evolution is most readily visible in higher order taxa; yet, it unfolds through inheritance with modification of individuals at the population level.
• Evolution does not progress towards a goal, nor is it just random fluctuation.
• Evolution ≠ natural selection ≠ adaptation.
• Evolution did not just happen in the past. It is ongoing here and now.
Evidence of evolution
Hierarchical organization of life. Assuming a historical process of branching and diverging best reflects biological reality of species and higher-order groups with ever decreasing similarity. It is superior to any other organizing system proposed so far.
• Homology. Similarity of structure despite differences in function is best explained by shared ancestry, not by best design.
• Embryological similarities. Homologous characters not needed at later life stages appear transitorily during embryological development. This can only be understood by shared ancestry.
• Vestigial characters. There are numerous examples of ancestral features that are degenerated and of no use to the remnant organism. Cave dwelling fish e.g. display eyes in every stage of degeneration.
• Convergence. Functionally similar features often evolved independently and differ profoundly in structure. This provides evidence for adaptation by natural selection and cannot be understood by the hypotheses of optimal design.
• Suboptimal design. Indeed, many structures show suboptimal design (e.g. blind spot in human eye) and can only be understood by historical constraint. Evolution simply has to work with the variation present at the time.
• Geographic distributions. The distributions of many taxa align well with what we know from the movement of plate tectonics and don’t make sense without assuming contiguous change from a common ancestor.
• Intermediate forms. The hypothesis of evolution proceeding by gradual small change is well supported by intermediate forms, both in living organisms (some snakes still have vestigial legs) and fossils (e.g. Archaeopterix).
• Fossils. Though incomplete, the fossil record in conjunction with radioactive dating clearly demonstrates that evolution is a long, historical process of change. Dinosaurs are simply not found in the same strata as humans.
• Molecular evidence. Common ancestry is seen in a large variety of molecular properties (codon usage, basic molecular machinery, organelles, etc.) and homologies displaying similar functionality across millions of years (if you insert a mouse ‘eye’ gene into drosophila it will start making an eye providing evidence for a shared bilaterian ancestor).
Why bother
biomedical implications
sexual antagonisms and human disease
personalized medicine
The Scala Naturae refers to
Aristotele’s’ hierarchical organization of organismal life.
historical overview - Plato, Aristoteles
Plato: world is a shadow of underlying essences in a metaphysical world
Aristoteles: Scala Naturae
emphasizes experimentation and conceptualizes evo-devo (epigenesis vs. preformation)
species fixed, aligned in ladder of life (Scala Naturae).
historical overview - middle age
Middle Age: Scala Naturae (modified into Great Chain of Being) profoundly influential.
Thomas Aquinas: natural theology; order and perfection in adaptation from divine design (still prevails in the mind of creationists).
Christianity introduced the concept that creation was recent. Bishop Ussher (1581-1656) : creation occurred 4004 BC (nightfall on 22nd october).
historical overview - Renesaince
Linnaeus Systema Naturae (1735) - modern binomial system of biological nomenclature (species grouped in genera and orders). System thought to reflect God’s plan. Variation = imperfection.
Rise of geology
• The fossil record (dinosaurs) ➡ speciation and extinction becomes a fact.
• Methods for dating rock strata (Cuvier) + marine fossils ➡ earth is older than
6000 years
• Uniformitarians (Charles Lyell, James Hutton)
Long time + gradual change + same forces as today = geological change
Highly influential to coeval Darwin.
Jean Baptiste Lamarck- 1st evolutionary theory
Charles Darwin
Theory of evolution by natural selection.
Voyage on the Beagle: Could present processes also explain the ‘mystery of mysteries’, i.e. the origin of new, well adapted species from a single ancestor?
On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection:
Heritable variation in the trait.
Over production (Malthus), but fixed resources leading to selection.
Variation in lifetime reproductive success linked to the trait.
Evidence for Darwin’s thesis at the time
Fossil record and discovery of Archaeopterix (1861), missing link between birds and reptiles.
Observation of overproduction and struggle for life.
Artificial selection in domestic animals and plants.
Gregor Mendel
Laws of genetic inheritance
hereditary principles based on controlled crosses of plants (mostly peas)
Law of segregation, Law of independent assortment, Law of dominance
Mendel’s laws: evidence for the role of large, discontinuous mutations (‘sports’) in evolution; at odds with continuous variation.
1950-60s events - empirical input
Sequencing of proteins (1952)
Discovery of the structure of DNA (1953)
Discovery of the genetic code (1962)
Protein electrophoresis: more genetic variation than previously thought (Lewontin and Hubby 1966)
Sequencing of DNA (1967)
The Neutral Theory of Molecular Evolution (1968)
the great majority of evolutionary changes at the molecular level (...) are caused not by Darwinian selection, but by random drift of selectively neutral or nearly neutral variants”
The ‘Nearly’ Neutral Theory of Molecular Evolution 2005
allowing for mutations with continuous fitness effects
How much genetic variation is there?
The classical view with Thomas H. Morgan and Herman Muller as its prominent proponents holds that a single (wild-type) form has highest fitness and all other variants are purged by selection. As a consequence genetic variation in natural populations should be very low.
The balancing school on the contrary (Dobzhansky) assumes a creative role for selection stating that different alleles are maintained by balancing selection – providing ample raw material for adaptive evolution.
The debated required empirical input —> protein electrophoresis Lewontin
showed that the amount of genetic variation was even higher than previously thought, even higher than proposed by the balance school
Evolutionary Processes
genetic drift
on population
Mutation is the ultimate source of variation
Mutation happens in individuals and generates polymorphism in populations.
Germ line vs. somatic mutations
can be due to somatic mutations
two or more populations of cells with different genotypes are present in a single individual.
Evolutionary geneticists are usually interested in germ line mutations—> trans-generational processes (somatic: interesting for fate of individual)
Somatic variation can also be due to epigenetic change (X-chromosome inactivation). ginger and black allele on X – white by other, independent gene.
haplotid, diploid, haplotypes
Haplotypes are combination of alleles that are inherited together from a single parent. Haplotypes can have many more alleles than single polymorphic loci. (in general AA,Ab, aB, ab)
Population genetics and the central dogma
gene mutation
change of genetic architecture of trait (poly vs monogenic traits)
The allelic effect of a gene on a given phenotypic trait is given by its dominance effect, which if often conceptualized by three discrete classes: alleles are said to be dominant, co-dominant or recessive.
point mutation
The 3rd position (synonymous site) of a codon is more variable than the 1st and the 2nd (non-synonymous sites)
missense (change aa)
nonsense (stopcodon)
frameshift mutations
indel of single base —> drastically different popypeptid product —> nonfunctional
other types of mutation
Structural mutations
Insertions – Deletions:
e.g. Chorea-Huntington’s disease transposable elements (jumoing genes) (> 40% of human genome retrotransposon)
Duplications generate paralogues (hemoglobin)
reversal of DNA order. Inversions spanning the centromere are called pericentric, inversions restricted to one chromosomal arm are called paracentric. Both types often produce errors during meiosis.
exchange of segments among non-homologous chromosomes.
Fission and Fusion
one chromosome becomes two or two become one.
Ploidy Changes (trisomie 21 – aneuploidy): change of number of chr
Karyotype changes
Mutation and selection
not connected
mutation is random
The rate of mutation μ
μ is a central population genetic parameter determining
Divergence (mutation as molecular clock)
random ..> poisson distribution
Measuring the mutation rate
Pedigree based (count mutations)
Experimental based
Comparative genetics
Mutation rates differ
among genomic regions among organisms
current estimate in humans of about 0.3-1 10-9 mutations site-1 year -1 – 0.7-2 10-8 mutations site-1 generation -1or assuming a generation time of 20 years.
Estimating primate mutation rate
There are 29.52 million differences in 2.4 Gb (109 bases) orthologous sequence (1.2%) shared between human and chimpanzee
Sex-biased mutation
more new mutations are transmitted through sperm then through eggs (male-biased mutation rate).
—>in males (XY) X- chromosome is exposed to fewer mutations than the autosomes, in female heterogametic species (females: WZ) it has the opposite effect
genes on autosomes spend an equal amount of their time in males and females—>net mutation rate is the average of the male and female mutation rates
In humans and other male heterogametic species, X-linked genes spend only one-third of their time in males and two- thirds of their time in females. If spermatogenesis is more mutagenic than oogenesis, the X chromosome is thus subjected to a lower mutation rate than the autosomes or the Y chromosome. The reverse is true for Z-linked genes in taxa with female heterogamety.
Mutation, mutant
1) a process that produces a novel allele differing from existing version(s) (or the wild type)
2) the allele that results from a mutational process
Mutant: organism or cell who has received a mutation; often also: whose changed phenotype is attributed to a mutation
From genotype to allele frequencies
Knowing that the frequency of the G allele is .33 on a particular
island how many white spirit bears with genotype GG would we expect to encounter, how many black bears (AA, AG)?
central null model for pupulation genetics
study effects of plain inheritance
no slection
no mutation
no genetic drift
no recombination
no migration
infinitely large population
random mating (panmictic)
non-overlapping generations
hermaphroditic (i.e. no differences among males and females, each contributes
gametes at equal proportion)
The famous Hardy-Weinberg proportion/equilibrium
Hardy-Weinberg genotype frequencies as a function of allele frequencies at a locus with two alleles. Heterozygotes are the most common genotype in the population if the allele frequencies are between 1/3 and 2/3
once HWE is reached, also the genotype freq. do not change anymore
Hardy weinberg deviations
1. Assortativemating
Individuals may be more likely to mate with individuals from the same, or similar, genotype. This is called assortative mating. The opposite situation is called negative assortative mating or dis-assorative mating.
2. Inbreeding
3. Populationstructure
When deriving the HWE we assumed one large panmictic population. Inadvertently pooling individuals from two populations pop1 and pop2 can lead to strong deviations from HWE.
4. Selection
Considering that phenotypes are eventually determined by the underlying genotype, it is not difficult to see that selection can cause deviations from HWE
deviations from HWE can only be detected after selection has been acting
5. (MutationandGeneticDrift)
small population size (genetic drift) + matuation only small effect on HWE (randomn devaitions, accumulate over time)
Testing for HWE
The Wright-Fisher Model
random draws
Wright-Fisher model assumes a haploid population without sexes, in which each individual reproduces without the need of finding a mate
dynamics in a diploid, randomly mating population are almost identical to the dynamics of the haploid model
Gene copies are transmitted from generation t to generation t+1, by random sampling independently and with equal probability.
null mdoel in population genetics
Random Processes in Nature
Random genetic drift in an experimental setup of 107 Drosophila populations. (see Futuyma 2005).
Allele frequency changed, variance increased, overall diversity (4 allozymes) lost
1) Allele frequencies changed within populations
2) Variation in allele frequency increased across populations
3) Heterozygosity and the genetic variation within populations declined
Population Consequences
any allele must eventually be lost or fixed.
no selection —> probability of transmission is the same for all gene copies.
The time it takes for allele A to fix depends on the population size and its initial frequency p0.
the average number of generations it takes an allele to fix (excluding its loss) is given by
genetic diverity gets lost
Mean allele frequency stays the same
Variance in allele frequency decreases
Effects strongest in small populations
wrigth fisher, observation vs. expectation
wright-fisher model genetic drift
due to the sampling process. As a result, allele frequencies will fluctuate, and eventually one of the two alleles will get fixed, the other will be lost
Genetic drift, also known as allelic drift or the Wright effect,[1] is the change in the frequency of an existing gene variant (allele) in a population due to random chance
Illustration of genetic drift by random sampling of gene copies (marbles) with two allelic states (red, blue) across discrete generations t, t+1, ..., t+4.
heterozygosity through time
Heterozygosity matters for individual and population fitness
Cosanguineous mating increase homozygosity
Which population size matters?
Nc vs Ne
Nc census population size
Neeffective population size(size of an ideal population that experiences genetic drift at the rate of the population in question)
single events that drastically reduce population size N to small values are called bottlenecks. (example Bottleneck in Northern elephant seals)
Bottlenecks reduce genetic diversity
Ne matters for conservation
Neutral Theory: Mutation-Drift Balance
most mutations are selectively neutral
some are under strong purifying selection
very few are under strong positive selection
genetic polymorphism only represent neutral variants
Neutral divergence: the molecular clock !
The rate of fixation for neutrally evolving sites is equal to the mutation rate
The Coalescent
The emphasis in coalescent thinking is to view populations backwards in time, using the divergence observable in a population to estimate the time to a most recent common ancestor (MRCA); this ancestor is the point where gene genealogies come together, or `coalesce', in a single biological organism.
Figure 1: Example for random reproduction according the Wright-Fisher model in a population of size N = 10. In the left example two samples (n = 2) share a common ancestor, or coalesce, in generation j = 14. The example on the right shows the coalescent in case of three samples (n = 3).
What is a population?
A species is a group of organisms that can create new individuals that are fertile, and thus, can produce even more offspring. Therefore, two organisms that cannot reproduce and create fertile offspring are different species.
Allopatric speciation and sympatric speciation are the two major mechanisms by which new species form.
Allopatric speciation occurs when a population of organisms becomes separated or isolated from their main group.
This type of speciation happens in a population without geographic isolation. The main mechanisms resulting in sympatric speciation involve changes in the chromosomes of the organism
Measuring population subdivision
FST is the proportion of the total genetic variance contained in a subpopulation (the S subscript) relative to the total genetic variance (the T subscript). Values can range from 0 to 1. High FST implies a considerable degree of differentiation among populations.
the Wahlund effect
the sub- populations contain fewer heterozygous individuals than expected given by the pooled allele frequency
In large populations which contain sub-populations there are fewer homozygotes than in the average for the set of subdivided populations. This is a general, and mathematically automatic, result. The increased frequency of homozygotes in subdivided populations is called the Wahlund effect.
inbreeding coefficients
The coefficient of inbreeding of an individual is the probability that two alleles at any locus in an individual are identical by descent from the common ancestor(s) of the two parents
The probability that two alleles at a given locus are identical by descent (durch Abstammung)
Adaptation improves an individual’s fitness in its environment , e.g. mimesis.
Allele frequency changes
dominant /recessive allele advantageous
Advantageous allele will always increase in frequency
Selection speeds up change in allele frequency, the faster the larger the fitness differences
Change is fastest at intermediate frequencies
selection maintaining variation
(A)Three forms of directional selection in which P is favored over Q. (B) Selection on diploids in which the heterozygotes have the advantage. (C) Selection on diploids in which the heterozygotes are less fit.
example sickle cell
beta-hemoglobin locus in some African and Mediterranean populations
One allele at the locus which differes by one amino acid substitution from normal haemoglobin (A) encodes sickle-cell haemoglobin (S).
At low oxygen concentrations sickle-cell haemoglobin form elongate crystals, and is less efficient in transporting oxygen.
In homozygous state, SS, the sickle allele causes distortion of the red blood cells causing severe anemia and damage to blood capillaries
Heterozygotes AS only suffer slight anemia.
Homozygotes AA produce oxygen best and show no signs of anemia.
At first sight this sounds like a clear case of directional selection, where the A allele would be favoured.
However, in regions exposed to malaria, selection pressures change. Here, normal AA homozygotes suffer higher mortality by malaria than AS heterozygotes, where red blood cells are broken down faster. This provides worse conditions for the malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum to develop in the red blood cells.
Last changed2 years ago