Natural Risk (examples)
Note: Natural risk is frequently local rather than national
Seismic Events
Fire (forest fires)
Health Crisis (epidemics)
Local impact of global warming
Economic spillover effects of these events
Poltical Risks Definiton and Examples
What are government Policy Risks?
Which examples can you name that could trigger this risk?
Government Policy risks are negative impacts of local government actions on foreign direct invested property owners.
Changes in the tax system
changed in thr legal regime and enforcement or lack thereof
expropriation / nationalization or inability or unwillingness to provide public services
barriers to capital flow
corruption and bureaucracy
interference in negotiations or existing contracts
Social risk definiton
are caused by collective actions from non-governmental organizations.
Internal Origins
unions, religious or nationalist groups raise issues with foreign property owners operating in the host country.
External Origins
social advocacy, human rights or environmental groups outside the host country try to influence the behaviour of a foreign property owner in the host country.
Macroeconomic Risks Definition
… are systematic risk components that are caused by changes in the overall economic situation of a country.
Macroeconomic country risks are beyond thr control of individual assets but influenced by the nation state the property is located in.
Macro risks affect the investor because they have an impact on rents, occupancy, bankruptcies of business partners, cost of operations, future sales prices and currency exchange rates.
Name the Categories of Macro Risk
Business cycle risk
Sovereign risk
Local interest rate risk
Asset price risks
Exchange rate risk
Transfer risk
What are the impacts of those categories of Macro risks?
Which factors does the business cycle risk have?
Overall Macro development: GDP, public budgets and national income
Development of income and purchasing power: disposable income, savings, government subsidies, tax burdens
Prices: consumer, construction, land
Labor markets: labor force, construction sector employment
Development of the external balance and external indebtness: trade, capital flows, liabilities
What is the definition of exchange rate
the price of one currency in units of another currency.
Whats the difference between price notation and quantity notation?
Price notation: how many euros per unit of foreign exchange
Quantity notation: how many units of the foreign currency per euro
what’s the exchange rate risk?
The exchange rate risk
… is the possibility of an unexpected change in the exchange rate between the home currency of the investor, and the currency in the host country of the investment location.
List the types of foreign exchange exposure
Translation exposure
Transaction exposure
Operational exposure
Translation exposure definition
the risk that a company’s equities, assets, liabilities or income will change in value as a result of exchnage rate changes.
Definiton of Transaction exposure
Impact on the cash flow, resulting from outstanding contractual financial obligations entered into before, but settled after the change in exchange rate
Definition of operational exposure
measures the change in the present value of future cash flows from unexpected changes in the exchange rate. The effect can be through changes in sales volumes, prices and costs.
Visualize the Types of foreign exchange exposure (Der grüne Pfeil)
What is the Transfer Risk referring to?
is the danger that you are unable to receive payments in your home or another hard currency, because the government of the host country denies private access to foreign exchange or prohibits the transfer of funds abroad.
What is the Sovereign Risk referring to?
what is the local interest rate risk referring to?
Name the Microeconomic Risks
Structural Risks
Financial Sector Risks
Residential sector risks
Retail sector risks
Office Sector risks
Industrial sector risks
What is Contagion Referring to?
Last changed2 years ago