Define a Project Portfolio
A project portfolio is a collection of projects managed by a particular organization that compete for limited resources such as people, finances, and time. A portfolio is a group of programs, projects, or operations that work together to achieve strategic objectives of the organization. Portfolios can consist of past, present, and planned projects and can be ongoing with new projects being added over time. An organization may have multiple portfolios, each addressing specific objectives.
Define project portfolio managment (PPM)
Project portfolio management (PPM) is the process of managing portfolios to help meet organizational goals efficiently. It involves analyzing and allocating resources to programs and projects across the organization, constantly updating and revising the list of active projects. PPM is a dynamic decision-making process that considers uncertain and changing information, multiple goals and strategic considerations, and involves interdependencies among projects and multiple decision-makers.
Whats the ultimative objective of PPM
The implementation of the corporate strategy!
What are other objectives in PPM
Maximize Value of Portfolio
Balance of Projects
Strategic Alignment of Projects
SKIPWhy do organizations practice portfolio management?
Definition Program
A programme is a set of interrelated projects and
organizational change processes designed to achieve a
strategic goal and an expected benefit for the
organization. Seidl (2011)
Rostis Note: A Programm ends!
Definition program management (PGM)
Program management is a „temporary management
task that involves the planning, overarching
management and controlling of a defined number of
related projects that serve a common, overarching
goal". Seidl (2011)
Differentiation between Portfolio and Programme
Rosti Note to the figure on the bottom right:
A Programm can be hard to define but it lies generally between a mega project ( very large project) and a portfolio in size.
What is Multi Project Managment
Model of the multi-project management pyramid
Differences between Single and Multi Project Managment
Relationship and differnces between PPM, PGM and PM
What are the two core areas of PPM and what are done in them
Portfolio structuring & Portfolio steering
Name the Tasks of PPM
SKIPVisualize PPM as a Funnel
Problems present in “real life” in PPM
only red text
What are the key problems in the ppm process
(1) Lack of clarity of objectives and decisions
(2) Lack of transparency about the portfolio
(3) Lack of agility and effectiveness
How MPM Qualtity can be measured/ what makes a great mpm process
(Study of Prof.) Does MPM Quality influence future portfolio success?
What is the Multi-project Management Performance Index (MPI) and what is it made of ?
SKIPWhat are MPM Success Factors ?
Last changed2 years ago