What do you know about the geocentric model?
Established by Aristotle/Ptolemy
Earth is spherical and the center of the universe
What do you know about the heliocentric model?
Established by Copernicus
Sun is in the centre and all planets incl. Earth move around the Sun
Did not publish his work before his death, saying it is theoretical.
Kepler’s first law?
The orbit of each planet is an ellipse with the Sun at one focus
Kepler’s second law?
The line from the Sun to a planet sweeps out equal areas inside the ellipse in equal lengths of time.
Kepler’s third law?
The squares of the orbital periods of the planets are proportional to the cubes of their mean distances from the sun.
Makes it possible to calculate distances in the solar system
Newton’s first law?
If there are no external forces, a body will maintain it’s state of motion, i.e. it will stay at rest or continue rectilinear motion at constant velocity.
Newton’s second law?
Newtown’s third law?
Newton’s law of gravitation?
What do you know about Konstantin Ziolkowski?
One of the founding fathers of rocketry and astronautics.
Approx. 90 published pieces on space travel and related subjects.
Derived the most important equation, the ROCKET EQUATION (Ziolkowski equation)
What do you know about Walter Hohmann?
Civil engineer, finsihed his PhD at RWTH Aachen
His book “Die Erreichbarkeit der Himmelskörper” demonstrated a fuel-efficient trajectory to move spacecraft between two different orbits, now callad the HOHMANN TRANSFER ORBIT.
Last changed2 years ago