GDP based on Production
Calculating GDP in Volume directly from growth rates without using amounts and divisions
Calculating the breakdown og growth in Q2 for the contributions of domestic demand excluding inventories, changes in inventories and net exports
Verify public deficit criterion (not more than 3% of GDP)
Difference between European and American GSP growth in volume
Using deflation to derive volume
Calculation of volume at various price levels
Calculation of a Laspeyres index and equivalence of calculation methods
Calculation of Laspeyres Indices, Paasche indices and deflation
Calculation of “chained accounts” (chained Laspeyres indices)
Chained Accounts and the loss of additivity
Volume changes in inventories: levels or contributions to GDP?
GDP per head in volume at constant 2005 PPP out of PPP in GDP in volume and populations
GDP per head deflated by current PPP with GDP at current prices
Value added by service production 1980
Average annual growth rate 1980-2011
Intermediate consumption ratio
Output Production
Intermediate Consumption Production
Value Added Production
Output - Intermediate Consumption
Value added at costs of production
costs of labour + costs of capital
Output of banks
Intermediate Consumption of banks
Output insurances
Intermediate Consumption insurances
Output of xy
Intermediate consumption xy
Final uses in volume
Final consumption expenditure
Valuation of changes in invetories excluding stock appreciation
The terms of trade
basic price from amount receivable by the producer from the purchase
Basic price from purchasers’ price
GDP from output at producers’ prices
GDP from output at basic prices
Relation to gross value added at basic prices
Relation to gross value added at producers prices
Relation Gross Value Added to GDP
Calculation of the value of a bond
Balance sheet of bond holders year 4 after increasement
New Price (deep discount bond)
Balance sheet of government
Application of accural accounting: Relationship of A (return for pyments by HH) and S (retirement benefits)
Application of accural accounting: Recording initial transactions + series of payments s without introduction of interest
Calculating residual debt of central government
Last changed2 years ago