What is Fuzzying, why is there a need for it?
used automated methods to perform vulnearbility analysis
software ever incerasing in size and complexity…
=> challenge to test systems…
=> basically some type of random testing…
What are black box fuzzers?
random input into target
-> detect if it crashes…
Where can crashes be caused?
can happen inside the processor
exception event
synchronous to processor clock
or in processor-external hardware modules
failure condition by sending interrupt
asynchronous to processor clock -> asyncr. event
=> actual cause manifold…
What happens at the processor when receiving an interrupt or exceptiion?
stop execution of curr. process
save all process registers
switch to os event handler -> indocated by interr. descriptor table
operating system handler in turn sends a signal to the target process that evoked the interrupt.
To eventually sense the crash at software side, we catch the signals that are sent from the operating system to the target process and filter the fatal ones
What are feedback driven fuzzers?
random input
-> target
-> extract informatino from dsnamic binary instrumentaiton
-> evaluate
generate input based on evaluation
What are questions in feedback driven fuzzying?
which information from dynamic instrumentation should we extract?
how can we evaluate wuality of test cases based on this info?
how can we generate new test cases basd on this quality evaluation?
how do we create feeback loop taht provides us a full yself-adaptive fuzzer?
How do we actually want to generate random input?
based on stochastic process
How does markov decisino process work?
Sum over each time step
discount factor gamma ^t
Reward at point t+1
Maps state to action: X -> A
A_t = pi(X_t)
X -> D(A, sigma(A))
= Erwartungswert
of reward
for X0 = x
What are levy flights? How to use them?
observing biological systme
e.g. bumblebees
=> basically some form of traversing space…
=> use to find next action and incorporate into markov decision process as policy…
Findings levy flights?
Levy flight foraging hypothesis
special class of stochastic processes called levy flights model real foraging behavior
levy flight hypothesis
minimize search time when foraging sources of fodd that are sparsely and randomly distributed, resting and refillable
Why use levy flights?
maximize coverage of execution paths
adjusted based on feedback
What is a fuzzing wall?
probabiltiy of reaching a specific part of code veeeery slim
What is a strategy to fuzz through fuzzing walls?
symbolic execution
Last changed2 years ago