Constrainted Satisfaction Problems (CSP)
search algorithms so far requrie domain specific knowledge (heuristics)
more generic approach: sates are expressed by certain variables and values which are assigned to them
each variable has a set of potential values (=domain)
a state is a goal state, if constraints on variables are met
Idea: Try to find assignement to variables s.t. all constraints are fullfilled
-> formulate each problem in terms of a CSP, no domain specific knowledge needed
Backtracking idea
Start with emtpy set of assignments
in each depth of tree, take a free variable
for a free variable, assign a value of the domain
check if this value conflicts with the constraint
yes: check next
no: go deeper into the tree
all values conflict with constraints: backtrack
How to choose unassigned variable?
Minimum remaining values (MRV):
Use variable, which has the smallest number of potential values
(slides: most constrained variable)
Tie breaker:
Use variable, which has the highest number of remaining constraints
(slides: most constraining varaible)
-> prunes big parts of the tree; minimiize branching factor
How to choose value to assign to variable?
Least constraining value (LCV):
Choose value, which rules out the fewest values in the remaining variables.
-> only useful, if we want to find one solution (not helpful if all solutions must be found)
Forward checking
If we assign a value for X:
look through all unassigned neighbors Y of X
eliminate all values for Y, which conflict with the chosen value for X
Forward cheking
failing condition
any variable has an empty set of potential values
Constrained propagation
using the constraints to reduce the number of legal values for a variable, which in turn can reduce the legal values for another variable
-> can be done before the actual search!
-> can also be done during search!
Arc consistency
variable is arc-consistent, if all values in its domain satisfies its (binary) constraints
need to check if for each possible value of X, if its neighbors Y can be assigned a value matching the constraints between X and Y
a network is arc-consistent, if all its nodes are arc-consistent (with respect to their neighbors)
reduces the domains for each variables of a CSP
if any domain is empty -> failure
put all (binary) constraints into a queue
fore each constraint (X, Y):
remove value from domain of X, if there is no value in the domain of Y to satsify the constraint
check if domain of X has changed:
yes: append all constraints of X to queue (except (X,Y))
no: keep going
Last changed2 years ago