Intelligent vs. Instinctive
all major components and their relations are determined when the system is formed, and remain unchanged afterwards
all major components and their relations are adaptive to the environment. The system learns, under the assumption that in general the future will be similar to the past.
Intelligence is the ability to adapt to the environment with insufficient knowledge and resources.
Sources of uncertainty
The Representation Language
Imperfect Observation of the World
Ignorance, Laziness, Efficiency
Representation language
provided by the designer of the agent
Sources of uncertainty:
the are more states in the real world than can be represented by the language -> a state described in the representation language referes to multiple states in the real world
Imperfect observation of the world
Observation can be:
partial: sensor does not see 360 degree
ambigious: sensor output has multiple possible interpretations
designer abstracts complexity from the real world
might lead to incorrect results
Representation of uncertainty
non-deterministic model
set of possible values
probabilistic model
probabilistic distribution over set of possible values
Decision Theory
Probability: The theory of probability provides a way of summarizing the uncertainty that comes from our laziness and ignorance
Utility: Every state has a degree of usefulness to an agent
Decision Theorie = Probability Theory + Utility Theory
An agent is rational if and only if it chooses the action that yields the highest expected utility, averaged over all the possible outcomes of the action.
Probabilistic Belief
A proposition (patient has cavity) together with a probabilistic value (p)
Probabilistic Belief State
probabilistic distribution over all the possible states
Extanded belief state
dentist with three propositions: cavity, toothache, catch
dentists belief state consist of 8 possible states
each has probability
Problem blief state
given n propositions -> 2^n states in belief state
many probabilites
explicitly represent independence among propositions to reduce the number of probabilities defining a belief state -> Bayesian networks
Bayesian networks
Notice that Cavity is the “cause” of both Toothache and Catch, and represent the causality links explicitly
Arrow means: Cavity has influences probability of Toothcache and Catch
given the fact that the patient suffers from cavity, the patient has toothcache with 60% and catch with 90%
toothcache and catch are independent given cavity
5 probability values instead of 7
Computation Example
Does a BN represent a full belief state?
Yes, because we can compute the full joint distribution:
Last changed2 years ago