Definition of Business Model from Demil & Lecocq (2010)
A Business Model synthesizes a way of creating value in a business. The concept refers to the description of the articulation between different Business Model components or “building blocks” to prduce a proposition that can generate value for consumers and thus for the organization.
Definition of Business Model (as a research field)
Firm’s activity system
The three elements of a business model - Structure
Definition of Business Model Patterns (Osterwalder, 2010)
In the process of new Business Model generation, the Business Model innovator can use one or more of these patterns to creating a new Business Model. Each of these patterns has similarities in characteristics, Business Model building blocks arrangements and behaviors.
The business model components
How can the Business Model Components be translated into the Canvas Tool?
What are Business Model design themes?
Design themes are configurations of transactional and organizational determinants and can be defined as the degree to which an organization´s elements are orchestrated and connected by a single theme.
They span a multi-dimensional vector space (graphic)
Why do design themes (configutaions) create value?
What is the central idea behind design themes?
What are advantages of high configurations?
Central idea:
The higher the degree of configuration (score on the design theme scale), the better the organizational performance
All elements of a Business Model complement one another
Clarity of direction and coordination:
Every member of the Business Model share a clear vision
Difficulty of imitation:
Complex, tailored Business Model designs are dificult to copy
Distinctive competence:
Focusing on certain resources and efforts allows to act better than rivals in operations
Focusing on a certain Business Model design gives firm credibility and momentum
No need for bureaucratic controls:
No rules between competing design directions required
What is the difference between Business Model Design themes and Business Model Types?
design themes are more practical due to the infinity of number of types
-> In order to localize a new Business Model that does not fit exactly to an existing type, one needs to define a new one
In order to localize a new Business Model that does not fit exactly to an existing type, one needs to define a new one
What are the five general design themes?
Business Model Life Cycle
The 3 different forms of Business Model innovation outcome
Three different Business Model Perspectives:
BM firm innovation: Significant change in the firms´s existing business model, only reconfiguration of existing patterns
BM industry-innovation: Significant change to existing business model design that is new from the specific industry perspective, no competitor has similar business model
BM market innovation: Significant change to existing business models that is new from the customer perspective
The 3 different forms of Business Model innovation outcome - Examples
Last changed2 years ago