hier: Gefälle
Usage/ memory
-the North-South divide in Britain; the East-West divide in Germany
gap, gulf or rift between two things
construction site
-A high rise building is being built on that construction site
-the place where sth is being built
-construction site = building site
to dodge sb/sth
jmdm./etw. ausweichen
The motor bike dodged between the cars
to move to the side to avoid hitting sb/sth
rooster (AE)
The rooster called: "Cock-a-doodle-doo!"
an adult male chicken
rooster (A) = cock (BE)
to hold sth aloft
etw. hoch halten
The captain of the winning team held the cup aloft
to hold or keep sth up high (in the air)
illegaler Bewohner/illegale Bewohnerin; Hausbesetzer/-in
There were a lot of squatters living in the old building
sb living somewhere illegally/without permission/without paying rent
sb living in a slum/a very poor area of a city with provisional housing (e.g. tents)
dweller = inhabitant
slum-dweller -, to dwell (V)
municipal official
Vertreter/-in der Stadtverwaltung
Municipal officials came to inspect the slum
sb in a position of authority in local government
to intervene
The officials intervened and the slum wasn't cleared.
to get involved in a situation in order to try to improve it
to intervene - intervention (n)
Fr. intervenir
He showed a lot of willpower and won the
the abilty to focus your thoughts and actions to achieve what vou want
Some people can only survive because of the philanthropy of others who are better off
helping the poor and those in need
philanthropy - philanthropist (n)
to disintegrate
zerfallen; sich auflösen
Traditional values are disintegrating in the cities
to break up (into little pieces)
to disintegrate = to fall apart
to decline significantly
auffallend abnehmen; auffallend weniger werden
The number of unemployed has declined significantly as jobs have increased.
to get less in a way that is easy to see
to decline significantly = to decrease greatly
to account for sth
ausmachen; verantwortlich sein für
The summer monsoon accounts for 70% of all India's rainfall.
to be a certain amount of sth
to voice concern at st
Besorgnis äußern über etw.
• Politicians have voiced their concern at the level of poverty in India
• to express your doubts about st
Gesamt-; allgemein
He had overall responsibility for the project
including everything involved in sth
before a noun
Fleck; Verfärbung
Oh no! There's a stain on my favourite pair of jeans!
collective conscience
kollektives Gewissen
Our collective conscience tells us that we must do sth to reduce poverty in the world
the part of our mind that tells us what (we all think) is right or wrong
direct investment towards sb/sth
investieren in jmdn./etw.
Direct investment towards the poor is the only way to really change their lives.
spending money on sth to help improve that situation
to require coordinated effort
Mühe erfordern; Anstrengungen erfordern
This will require a coordinated effort on the part of all governments.
the need to work hard for sth
let's face it
Machen wir uns nichts vor
Let's face it, the situation is not going to get any better.
Cheap housing remains a problem despite the government's efforts.
despite = in spite of
Inadequate education is a cause of low literacy rates.
inadequate +-*Cadequate
inadequate -›o(in)adequacy (n)
Child mortality rates are still very high.
mortality -›nmortal (adi)
Säugling: Kleinkind
Infants need a balanced diet if they are to grow up to become healthy children.
a baby or very young child
Fr. enfant (m)
Intervention; Eingriff
intervention - to intervene (v)
Fr. intervenir
Last changed2 years ago