Define the terms Milestone, Activity, Resource and Logical Relationship
What is scheduling? What is its aim?
Scheduling provides the information of who, how, where and when the assigned project resources will deliver the results defined in the project scope
Aim: Scheduling facilitates the likelihood of a successful project completion within the approved schedule
What are the four types of scheduling approaches?
Predictive: Projects or products are known and proven —> Critical Path Methode
Iterative: Lifecycle allows feedback and modification on partially completed or unfinished work —> Rolling Wave Planning
Incremental: Life cycle provides finished, potentially usable deliverables after each increment —> Incremental life cycle
Adaptive: Leverages iterative and incremental characteristics —> Kanban
Agile approaches are adaptive
What is the prerequisite and aim of Capacity Planning.
Time order and resource assignment form the basis for capacity planning
Prerequisite: Estimated resource need for the work packages
Aim: Optimize Resource allocation
Define and differentiate the terms Resource, Capactiy, Effort and Duration
Resource: Factor available for the execution of project tasks (e.g. people, goods, services)
Capacity: Performance of the resource in a period of time
People → Hours (e.g. 8h per day)
Goods → Units (e.g. 20 cubic meters)
Normative Capacity: Maximum output under ideal conditions
Effective Capacity: Actual capacity (normative capacity can be reduced by chats with colleagues, etc.)
Rule of thumb: The effective capacity is 80% of the normative capacity
Effort: The number of labor units required to complete a schedule activity or work package
Duration: The total number of work periods required to complete an activity or work package
Describe the steps of a Sprint Planning Process in Scrum.
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