Mental disorder characterised by withdrawal from reality
Type 1 Schiz
Acute form characterised by +ve symptoms and responsive to meds
Type 2 Schiz
Chronic type characterised by -ve symptoms and unresponsive to meds
Positive symptoms
Displaying of beh’s involving loss of touch with reality
Negative symptoms
Displaying of beh’s involving disruption of normal emotions and actions
Perception of something being real that doesn’t truly exist
False belief that’s resistant to confrontation with the truth
Speech poverty
-ve symptom, characterised by brief replies to questions and minimal elaboration
General lack energy resulting in loss goal directed beh
Identification of nature and causes of illness
Consisstency of diagnosis
Accuracy of diagnosis
Presence one or more additional disorders/diseases simultaneously occuring with schiz
Culture Bias
Tendency over-diagnose members of other cultures as suffering with schiz
Gender Bias
Tendency for diagnositic criteria to be applied differently to Ms and Fs and there to be differences in classification of disorder
Symptom overlap
Perception symptoms of schiz are also symptoms of other mental dsisorders
Genetic exp
Transmission of abnormality by hereditary means
Last changeda year ago