Major Clustering Approaches
spectral clustering
mean shift
Partitioning Algorithms: Basic Concept
Construct a partitioning of a database D of n objects into a set of k (k <= n) clusters minimizing an objective function.
Exhaustively enumerating all possible partitionings into k sets in order to find the global minimum is too expensive.
k-Means Clustering
k-Means Clustering: Algorithm
k-Means: Voronoi Model for Convex Cluster Regions
For a given set of points P = {p1, . . . , pk } (here: cluster representatives), a Voronoi diagram partitions the data space into Voronoi cells, one cell per point
The cell of a point pi covers all points in the data space for which p is the nearest neighbors among the points from P
k-Means: Discussion
k-Means variants
median: ordinal
mode: categorical
medoid: metric (=PAM)
K-Means/Median/Mode/Medoid Clustering: Discussion
Initialization of Partitioning Clustering Methods
Choice of the Parameter k
how to measure the quality of a clustering?
measure should not be monotonic over k
The measures for the compactness of a clustering SSE and TD are monotonously decreasing with increasing value of k
—> Silhouette-Coecient
Quality measure for k-means or k-medoid clusterings that is not monotonic over k.
The Silhouette Coecient
reading the silouhette coefficient
Probabilistic Model-Based Methods
EM- clustering model
Iterative Optimization
EM: Turning the Soft Clustering into a Partitioning
EM: Discussion
find parameter k
If k is too high, the mixture may overfit the data
If k is too low, the mixture may not be flexible enough to approximate the data
Mean shift
Iterative Mode Search
Mean Shift: Core Algorithm
Apply iterative mode search for each data point. Group those that converge to the same mode (called Basin of Attraction).
Mean Shift: Extensions
Weighted Mean
Use different weights for the points in the window, with weights wx , resp. calculated by some kernel
First quantise data points to grid. Apply iterative mode seeking only once per bin.
Mean Shift: Discussion
Density-Based Clustering
Density-Reachable vs Density-Connected
DBSCAN Algorithm
Density-Based Spatial Clustering of Applications with Noise
Evaluation: based on recursive database traversal.
DBSCAN - find parameters
DBSCAN: Discussion
Spectral Clustering
Find global minimum cut
General Steps
make graph from data
Create adjacency Matrix
Caluclate Eigenvalues and eigenvectors
choose useful number of eigenvalues
apply k means on eingenvectors
map results back to orginal data
Spectral Clustering : Preliminaries
Spectral Clustering: Discussion
Hierarchical Clustering: Basic Notions
result: dendrogramm
Dendrogram can be constructed
bottom-up (agglomerative approach) or
top down (divisive approach)
Link Methods - agglomerative clustering
single, complete, and average
Divisive Hierarchical Clustering
Discussion Agglomerative vs. Divisive HC
Density-Based Hierarchical Clustering
Core Distance and Reachability Distance
OPTICS: The Reachability Plot
Hierarchical Clustering: Discussion
Cluster Evaluation - external
Sc : cluster label
SB: ground truth cluster label
Cluster Evaluation external measures
external: needs ground truth
recall, prec, f1, confusion matrix
rand index, Adjusted Rand Index (ARI), Jaccard Coecient
(Shannon) Entropy, Conditional Entropy:
Mutual Information, Normalized Mutual Information (NMI), Adjusted Mutual Information (AMI)
Cluser evaluation - internal measures
no additional information needed
Average distance between objects of the same cluster
Cohesion of clustering is equal to weighted mean of the clusters’
Separation between to clusters: Average distance between pairs
Separation of clustering is equal to weighted mean of the clusters’ separations.
Last changed2 years ago