Why do people refuse to change?
Types of Change
Level of Change
How can we explain employees’ resistance to change?
Organizational identity
Key Assumptions
Reserach Questions
Social identity
Key assumptions
Levels of Sef-Concetps
Concepts of social identity theory
Propositions based on identification processes to explain resistance to change
Definition of organizational identity threats
How can organizational identity threats effect the organization?
What are the possible reactions to identity threats?
What is the response process to identity threats?
Definition of organizational culture
What are the levels of organizational culture?
What are the levels of culture and innovative capabilities?
Dimensions supporting innovation
Dimension -> Definition -> Rational
What are competing values of an organizational culture?
How can such competing values explain resistance to change?
What is change management?
Improving an organization by changing the ways how work gets done.
Change Management
A Model of Change
Change Process
Typical Change directions
Paradoxes of innovation
Tensions experienced by employess regarding change
Ambidexterity - Definition of ambidextrous organizations
What are approaches to organizational ambidexterity?
Last changed2 years ago