The two different management approaches that has to be combined
5 Lean Startup Principles
Build measure learn loop
What is the goal of the build measure learn loop?
Generate validated learnings in the market
What are the different steps of the BML Loop?
Step 1 - The Leap of Faith (Sprung ins kalte Wasser) :
Hypothesis of Value
Hypothesis of Growth
Step 2 - Build the MVP:
Goal: Test Hypotheses
Target: Early Adopters
Focus: Time to market
The minimum viable product should test the basic assumptions of your idea in the market
Step 3 - Measure:
Define reliable metrics
have to be able to test hypotheses
Only proper measures lead to desired learnings
Step 4 - Generate Data:
Split Tests
Cohort Analyses
Are we improving our product?
Step 5 - Learn:
Validated learnings show if tested hypothesis can be accepted
Step 6 - Decision:
Pivot or preserve?
Stay on the current track or perform a pivot?
What is the purpose of the MVP?
Test fundamental leap of faith
Not only product design and answering technical questions
target groups are early adopters. No more
What are features of the MVP?
helps to begin learning process as fast as possible
generates feedback for basic hypothesis
not certainly the simplest version -> BUT BML is being ended fastst with the MVP
Additional features/ makeovers (beyond the Early Adopter´s needs) -> Waste
Quality of the MVP can be recognized as bad by customers
-> Change: Laern, with attributes customers are mostly concerned about!
What are widespread fears of becoming visible early and what can be done against them?
legal fears: patent risks < learning potential
competition and idea theft: The team must be better than others!
Loss of Marketing/ Brand Value: Start MVP under a different label
How is the vision and the idea connected?
What is the goal of the lean startup?
Experiment and achieve validated learning whether your product is accepted by the market.
Definition of “Validated Learning”
The process of creating an empirical proof, that you have found value-creating facts for the contemporary and future business model of thecompany.
How do you build an experiment?
What helps answering the question truly whether the product is being improved continuously?
Innovation accounting
Innovation Accounting - What is the Startup`s task?
Innovation Accounting - What is the magic formula?
Different types of Pivots
Zoom-in Pivot
A partial feature of the old product becomes the new product
Zoom-out Pivot
The old product becomes a part of a much larger new product
Customer Segment Pivot
The product solves a problem but does not attend to the desired customer segment
⇒ Focus on the new segment
Customer Need Pivot
The problem one is solving is not important for the customer, but a related problem being important forthe customer has been discovered ⇒ Focus on the new customer need Platform Pivo
Platform Pivot
Change from an application to a platform or vice versa
Channel Pivot
Delivering the same product through another distribution channel
Technology Pivot
• Achieve the same solution using a completely different technology
How can be detected whether a company is on the right way or not?
What are the fundamental requirements to learn from experiments?
What are Signals for a Pivot?
What is the Pivot?
Last changed2 years ago