
Chapter 3

by Daniel U.

Understand the concept of disruptive innovation

Innovation which starts at the low end segment of the market and then by improving overtakes the market leaders → rises to the top, forcing established competitors to cater to more high end segments and then catching up.

The Innovator's Dilemma: 

Why do well-managed companies that listen to their customers and invest aggressively in new technologies still lose market dominance?

Basic Logic⇒ The Managers competent decisions which ensures the companies success, is also the reason why they lose their position of leader.

  1. Technology progress outpaces customers needs, the leading firms over-serve demand and leave a gap at the bottom to enter the market. 

  2. Disruptive innovations doesn’t provide benefits to current customer only to different new customers

  3. Leaders don’t have motivation to invest in new technology because of existing customers and profit models

→ 2 Types of Technology: 

A disruptive technology is NOT just another S-curve, because it has different performance attributes.

Disruptive innovations can originate in two types of markets.


  • Established Players → high margins, well known , adjusted processes

  • Disruptors → not defined customer w/ good enough products

  • E.g. Steel Industry

New Market:

  • Non customers to customers, new value network 

  • E.g. Sony pocket radio

Disruption is relative→ needs to be looked at from the firm's perspective can be disruptive for one but sustaining for others, e.g. Internet some retailers already did mail shipping so e-commerce wasn’t that big of a deal ⇒ No innovation is inherently disruptive

How to Deal with Disruption:

Other Options:

  • Aggressively invest in current technology to slow down disruption

  • Reposition to a profitable niche 

  • Co-opt disruptive entrants → just buy them lol , or other forms of collaboration

  • Reemergence →redefine performance criteria → swiss watches became luxurious 

  • Hybrid offering

  • Adjust your companies evaluation metrics so disruptive technologies are also pursued

Understanding the advantages and disadvantages of different market entry strategies

Basically two Option Pioneer or Follower and both are valid options.

Pioneer introducing the innovation → you need to have the ability as a company but i can be wise to wait.

Follower → come later to the market when the market or technology has matured. → here is the challenge not to wait too long and enter as the last one.

Pioneer advantages & disadvantages

benefit by leading on the Technology S-Curve

Pioneers have greater marginal returns of R&D investments due to non-linear s-curve

Customer benefits trough:

  • Higher performance, higher reliability, and/or higher quality of products and/or processes (i.e., Advantages typically shown on s-shaped technology curves)

  • Higher flexibility and individuality (e.g., mass customization of products and/or services)

  • More convenient, easier, and safer use of products and services (e.g., usability of software)

  • More emotionally appealing products and services

BUT assumes that the pioneer can protect the knowledge from the followers and followers needs to follow the same curve

benefit by leading on the Experience Curve

the more you produce -> the more you learn -> the better your processes -> the cheaper the production

Lead on the experience curve implies continuous cost degression effects: Pioneer can "outprice" followers

BUT a lot of assumptions:

  • Digital goods don’t have variable cost that pioneers can save

  • The follower may be a better established company w/ better processes and production and can easily catch up to pioneer → pioneer may be a start-up

Network effects can be beneficial for the pioneers

  1. Network can establish pioneers design as industry standard

  2. Customers can establish switching cost trough usage

  3.  Cognitive and emotional anchors → we google things not search the internet

Fast Followers also have an advantage:


Daniel U.


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