How are you?
Ako sa citite?
I feel bad!
Je mi velmi zle
Did you throw up?
Zvracal si?
Yes i feel sick. I even threw up once!
ano, je mi na vracanie. Raz som aj vracal.
Do you have problems with breathing?
Mate problemy s dychanim?
Do you breath easy or heavily?
Dychate lhako alebo tazko?
Breathing is realy hard for me.
Dycha sa mi velmi tazko.
Do you have pain in your chest?
Mate bolesti v hrudnik?
Do you feel pain behind your chest bone?
Citite bolest za hrudnou kostou?
I have high pressure and pain in the chest!
Mam velky tlak a bolest v hrudi!
Does the pain radiate?
Kam sa bolest siri?
I also have pain in my arm.
Boli ma aj v ruke
Are you sweating?
Potite sa?
I do sweat.
Potim sa
Sometimes I am cold and sometimes I am warm
Chvilu je mi zima a chvilu teplo.
Have you taken any medicine?
Uzili ste nejake lieky?
Are you taking any medicine?
Uzivate nejake lieky?
No, I did not take any medicine!
Nie, neuzil som ziadne lieky
Do you smoke?
Yes, I have been smoking for 10 years
Ano, fajcim uz 10 rokov.
Do you drink alcohol?
Pijes alkohol?
Do you do sport?
What is his profession?
Co je jeho praca?
Do you have problems with sleeping?
Mate problemy so spankom?
Do you sleep during the night?
Aki spi v noci?
Do you have a family?
Mate rodinu?
I am married and have 2 children
Som zenaty a mam dve deti
Has anyone in your family been treated for a heart condition?
Liecul sa niekto vo vasej rodine na srdce?
Do you have heart palpitation?
Mate busenie srdca?
Do your legs smell?
Opuchaju vam nohy?
Is the pain worse when you walk or do some sport?
Je bolest horsia ked chodite alebo sportujete?
What is your blood pressure?
Aky mate tlak?
Have you ever fainted?
Uz ste niekedy opadli?
Last changed2 years ago