CSP idea
so far we used domain-sepecific heuristics to evauluates states, which can be hard to come up with
CSPs are a more generic approach to search algorithms
CSPs ony use general-purpose heuristics which help to solve wide varity of problems efficiently (without domain-specific heuristics)
CSP definition
set of variables X_i
each variable X_i has a set of potential values (domain)
constraints among varialbes
variables with assigned values
Goal state:
complete (each variable is assinged)
consistent (all constraints hold)
Constrained graph
nodes are variables
edges are constraints
Binary constraints
Each constraint relates exactly two variables
Finite vs infinite CSP
finite: each variable has a finite domain of values
infinite: some variables have an infinite domain
Basic CSP algorithm:
states are a set of variable assignments
inital state is {}
in each step of DFS assign value to one variable
value must be in domai of variable
value must not conflict with constraints
if not possible -> backtrack
goal test:
all variables assigned?
Critical questions for efficiency
which variable to assign?
which value to assign?
How to choose unassigned variable?
Minimum remaining values (MRV):
Use variable, which has the smallest number of potential values
Tie breaker:
Use variable, which has the highest number of remaining constraints
-> prunes big parts of the tree; minimiize branching factor
How to choose value to assign to variable?
Least constraining value (LCV):
Choose value, which rules out the fewest values in the remaining variables.
-> only useful, if we want to find one solution (not helpful if all solutions must be found)
Forward checking
If we assign a value for X:
look through all unassigned variables Y, which have constraints with X
reduce the domains of Y based on the assigned values
Forward cheking
failing condition
any variable has an empty domain
How to further improve forward checking
forward checking only updates the related variables based on the latest assignment
forward checking does not early detect failures:
e.g. as a result of forward checking there might be a state which can not be resolved without violating constraints
-> constrainted propagation
Constraint propagation
recusrive approach:
using the constraints to reduce the domain for a variable, which in turn can reduce the domain for another variable
-> can be done before the actual search!
-> can also be done during search!
Arc consistency
simplest form of constraint propagation
variable is arc-consistent, if all values in its domain satisfies its (binary) constraints
for all values in domain of X: each neighbor Y can be assinged a value without conflict
if X loses a value -> all neighbors need to be re-checked
a network is arc-consistent, if all its nodes are arc-consistent (with respect to their neighbors)
AC 3 algorithm
put all (binary) constraints into a queue
fore each constraint (X, Y):
remove value from domain of X, if there is no value in the domain of Y to satsify the constraint
check if domain of X has changed:
yes: append all constraints of X to queue (except (X,Y))
no: keep going
Exploit CSP structure
Reduce complexity if CSP has certain structure:
if constraint graph consist of several components:
solve each graph on its own -> reduce state space
if constrait graph is a tree:
backtracking can be avoided
linear runtime in size of variables
Can there be duplicated states in the backtracking search?
no, because in each depth we assign a value to one variable
hence, there is exactly one path in the tree to a certain state
Strategy to encode CSPs
try to assign numbers so variables
then you can “compute” numerically with variables, e.g.:
“blue house next to the green” -> abs(blue - green) = 1
Last changed2 years ago