What is planned in the future?
We are in the middle of a substantial innovation wave for our Animal Health business, with around 20 product launches expected by 2025.
What is our ambition in Global Innovation?
We work on innovation and lifecycle management to maintain them attractive for the customer. Longterm, we leverage on the love of science that we have and the passion for the animals that we have. That is what drives us forward.
What are biggest challenges?
Prominent change how we deal with our pets. Diseases now are the same as in HP, because of the change of lifestyle. We have more therapies, so they live longer so more chronical diseases.
How do partnerships help us?
We capture external innovation outside of us, rely on diversity of thought to bring innovative products in our market. We focus on solutions on diseases that address unmet need, like chronic disease like diabetes, oncology, kidney and heart. Today, we work with more than 250 academic institutions and companies around the world.
What concrete partners do we look for?
Partners like start-ups, academic insitutions and established biotech companies.
How do we use resources of HP in AH?
We have access to HP pipeline, back-up compounds we can use for AH, capitalise and mutual benefit from deep expertise in both organisations.
What are the most relevant trends right now?
Innovation comes in waves, you learn about a disease, then you deliver a new solution. We’ve seen many solutions for infectious diseases in livestock, phenomenal innovation for parasitic treatments, and the next wave is for the therapeutics for the noninfectious diseases. We see the next wave for antiparasitics, for infectious diseases and here we’re looking for partnerships.
Can you give example of one partnership?
Lifebit, tracking infectious disease epidemiology that allows us to see where the next wave of infections are coming and plan to tackle infectious disease moving forward.
Example of African Swine Fever?
Huge problem, challenging to find a safe vaccine, we are working with 4 institutions now. A long-term commitment. You learn, you make a step ahead.
Message to potential partnerships?
Family-owned, long-term vision, shared goals. We bring this forward to the table. We look for partners who want to work in close collaboration to bring solutions to patients. We engage in scientific dialogue. To solve the big challenges in animal health, we must build connections with others in the scientific community to bring critical diversity of thought to innovation.
Last changed2 years ago