what makes you feel something
the last supper: (6)
da Vinci
shows reactions and emotions of the twelve disciples after Jesus announced he would be betrayed
—> highlights individuality/ individual reaction —> points out extraordinary
Judas —> in the shadows, hand with money
always grups of three —> holy trinity
“Poor is the pupil who does not surpass his master”
the dessert: (4)
Henry Matisse
Focus on colour (—> fauvism)
—> colour got a valuein itself and makes people react to it
“I don’t paint things. I only paint the difference between things.”
my bed: (3)
Tracey Emin
the private is (mode) public and vice versa
“There should be something revelatory about art. It should be totally creative and open doors for new thoughts and experiences.”
Diane Young: (2)
parody/ imitation of the last supper
Pun: Diane Young <—> dying young
Banksy Dismaland: (4)
pun: dismaland <—> disneyland
disma = sad, depressing, dark
anti capitalism
made big profite (e.g. parking lots…)
Impact of Art: (3)
Last changeda year ago