What is Machine Learning?
field of study
that gives computers the ability to learn
without being explicitly programmed
What components are in a machine learning system?
dataset S
Model M
Objective Function L
Algorithm A
What is a dataset?
set of samples generated by some sysetm or process
samples can be single datapoints or pairs of inpiut and output values
What is a model?
adjustable and compact representaiton
of a certain class of input/output relationships
that is hypothesized to be capable of
modeling the system or process which generates dataset S
What is an objective function?
function that encodes the current performance of M (e.g. loss or reward)
What is an algorithm A w.r.t machine learning systems?
learnign algorithm
that adjusts M
based on S and L
For what type of cognitive functions in artificial cognitive systems is machine learning an important prerequisite?
learning and development
memory, knowledge and internal simulation
What is learning and development w.r.t art. cog. sys?
modeling and implementation of
biologica learning mechanisms
operant conditioning
implicit learning
explicit learning
What is memory, knowledge and internal simulation w.r.t art. cog. sys?
modelin and implementation of the
and retrieval
-> e.g. associative memory
What is perception w.r.t art. cog. sys?
learning basic features
to detect and categorize
perceptual stimuli
(e.g. unsupervised learning of visual features)
What is atonomy w.r.t art. cog. sys?
dynamic adaption to changes
in the environment
(e.g. continuous online learning from live data stream)
In what environment is machine learning an especially important feature of cognitive systems and why?
important for cognitive systems situated in complex dynamic environments
=> not possible to program everything in advance
Why is it not possible to program everything in advance in complex dynamic environments?
environment changing continuously
dynamics and objects are too complex to be modeled explicitly
system itself is subject to change
-> e.g. growth, aging, injury, tool use,…
What are some practical applications of machine learning?
image classification
speech recognition
autonomous driving
recommendation systems
threat protection
control systems
What is the general workflow of machine learning?
training part
have / gather training data
extract, engineer, select features
choose model and learning algorithm and train
get feedback
data labels, reward signals
do test/validation
What is feature engineering? Is it important?
feature engineering = selection of right features
critical for the performance of machine learning model
=> as features must contain information required for predicitons
What is hard in feature engineering?
there usually are a vast multitude of features to choose from
to describe the data at hand
-> e.g. shapes, colors, histograms, filters,…
How are features usually grouped?
grouped into a feature vector
What is the overall goal of the machine learnign task?
train model M
in hypothesis space H
using a learning algorithm A
so that M minimizes Loss L for dataset S
=> reffered to as inductive learning
On what does the choice of the hypothesis space H and loss L heavily depend on ?
on the properties of dataset S
What is the hypothesis space in machine learning?
set of all possible hypothesis
=> set from which ML algo determines the best possible one (through learning…)
That types of datasets do we have?
unlabaled data
S = {x1, x2, x3, …, xn}
labeled data
S = {(x1,y1), (x2,y2),…,(xn,yn)}
mixed data
mix from labeled and unlabeled data
S = {(x1,y1), (x2,y2),…,(xn,yn)} U {x1, x2, x3, …, xn}
x1 != (x1, y1)…
dynamic data
S = {(xt,st) | st+1 = D(xt,st) AND 0 <= t <= T}
-> dynamical system where st denotes system state at time t
=> where next state is funciton of current state and input…
What types of ML are there?
unsupervised learning
solely unlabaled data
discovery of structural features in the data set
reinforcement learning
interaction with the environment
reward signal encodes feedback for the policy
semi-supervised learning
labeled and unlabeled training samples
a priori assumptions on input data required
supervised learning
all training samples are labeled
desired output is specified exactly
How is the choice of learning paradigm (supervised, unsupervised, semi, reinforced) in most cases motivated?
in most cases by the type of data available
unlabeled -> unsupervised
labeled -> supervised
mixed -> semi-supervised
dynamic environment -> reinforcement
How are labels in practice usually obtained?
manual labeling of data
Name a case where it makes sense to apply unsupervised learning to labeled data.
as preprocessing tool for initial data analysis
Last changed2 years ago