Code smell definition
indicator or symptom of deeper design problem
violation of fundamental design principles that decrease the overall quality of code
not bugs or errors
can certianly add to the chance of bugs and failures down the line
difficult for software system to evolve and maintain
Kind of code smells
Object Orientation Abusers
Change Preventers
Code smell detection methods
metric based
rules/heuristic based smell detection
history based
optimization based
code, methods, classes that have increased to such gargantuan proportions that they are hard to work with
incomplete or incorrect application of object oriented programming principles
if you need to change something in one place, you have to make many changes in other places -> development becomes more complicated and expensive as result
something pointless and unneeded whose absende would make the code cleaer, more efficient and easier to understand
contribute to excessive coupling between classes or show what happens if coupling is replaced by excessive delegation
Code Smell steps
Designing solid test for the section to be refactored
reviewing the code to identify bad smells of code
introducing refactoring and running tests (One step at a time)
Primitive Obsession
Primitive fields are basic built-in building blocks of a language e.g. int, string or constant
primitive obsession is when the code relies too much on primitives and when uses primitive types to represent an object in a domain
Divergent Change
Code smell
one module is often changed in different ways for different reasons
Classes have more than distinct responsibilities that it has more than one reason to change
Violation of single responsibility design principle
Divergent changes
You identify everything that changes for a particular cause and put them all together
Shotgun Surgery
a single change is made to multiple classes simultaneously
when changes are all over the place, they are hard to find, and it’s easy to miss important changes
you put all the changes into a single class
once and only once (OAOO)
Feature envy
a function in one module spends more time communicating with function or data inside another module than it does within its own module
move function to give it a dream home
Refused Bequest
only some of the inheritances are need, i.e. hierarchy is wrong
inheritance makes no sense and the subclass really does have nothing in common with the superclass
Comments in code
good to have, can be simplified
Best if code is self explanatory
if you need a comment to explain what a block of code does, simply the code
if the method is already extracted but you still need a comemnt to explain what it does, rename the method
if you need to state some rules about the required state of the system, use Assertion
Last changed2 years ago