List diagnostic tests.
Cerebrospinal fluid: albuminocytologic dissociation [6]
↑ Protein levels and normal white blood cell count in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)
CSF cell counts higher than 50 cells per μl CSF indicate that GBS is unlikely
Serological screening [6]
To identify potential pathogens (e.g., Campylobacter jejuni)
Detection of antibodies directed against gangliosides (e.g., anti-GM1 antibodies)
Electroneurography [6]
↓ Nerve conduction velocity (NCV) due to demyelination
↑ F‑wave latency
Signs of denervation: characteristic of axonal lesions
Pathologic spontaneous activity (unfavorable prognostic sign)
Respiratory function
Assess for respiratory muscle exhaustion. [11]
Assess for clinical features of respiratory distress (e.g., dyspnea, respiratory rate).
Regularly monitor vital capacity, maximal inspiratory pressure, and maximal expiratory pressure. [11]
ECG: autonomic cardiac dysregulation → impaired heart frequency variation
Last changed2 years ago