Describe the epidemiology.
Second most frequently dislocated joint (after the shoulder joint)
Sex: ♂ > ♀
Peak incidence: 10–20 years
Describe the etiology.
Fall on an outstretched hand (most common) → posterior elbow dislocation
A posterior, direct trauma to a flexed elbow → anterior elbow dislocation
Medial/lateral trauma to the elbow → medial/lateral elbow dislocation
High impact trauma to the elbow → divergent elbow dislocation
Describe the classification.
Anatomical classification
Posterior dislocation (most common)
Anterior dislocation
Medial dislocation
Lateral dislocation
Divergent dislocations (rare)
Presence of co-existent fractures
Simple dislocation
Complex dislocation
Describe the clinical features.
Pain, swelling of the elbow
Limited range of motion: inability to flex or extend the elbow
Elbow deformity
Limb length discrepancy
Nerve injury (up to 10% of cases)
Ulnar nerve palsy
Median nerve palsy
Radial nerve palsy or posterior interosseous neuropathy (depending on site of injury)
Brachial artery injury (very rare)
Describe the diagnostics.
Physical examination
Signs of fracture
Neurovascular deficits
X-ray of the elbow joint: anteroposterior and lateral views to confirm dislocation and exclude fracture
Posterior fat pad sign: seen in patients with concomitant fractures (usually of the humerus/radial head) [4]
Radiocapitellar line
On a lateral x-ray of the elbow joint, an imaginary line drawn through the center of the neck of the radius should pass through the center of the capitellum of the humerus.
If an elbow dislocation is present, the line does not intersect the capitellum.
CT scan of the elbow joint: indicated only if a complex elbow dislocation is suspected to evaluate the extent of associated fractures
Describe the treatment.
Conservative management
Indication: simple elbow dislocation (no fracture)
Procedure: closed reduction
Signs of successful reduction
Return of the normal triangular orientation of the 3 bony prominences of the elbow
Decrease in pain
Post-reduction x-rays are obtained
Neurovascular status should be rechecked
Immobilization of the relocated elbow in a posterior splint or brace, in pronation and 90° flexion for 7–10 days
Surgical intervention
Indication: complex elbow dislocation (concomitant fracture); failed closed reduction; joint instability post-reduction; vascular injury
Closed reduction of elbow
Open reduction and internal fixation of the fractured segments and repair of the torn medial and/or lateral collateral ligaments of the elbow
After surgery
Obtain elbow x-rays
Check neurovascular status of the forearm and hand
Immobilization of the elbow in a posterior splint or brace in pronation and 90° flexion for 3 weeks [5]
Rehabilitation: range of motion exercises (active and passive)
Last changed2 years ago