Explain the levels of the regulatory package solvency II
Describe the structure of Solvency II
Describe Pillar 1 of solvency II
Quantitative requirements
Specifies minimum capital requirement (MCR) and solvency capital requirement (SCR)
If capital < SCR: Insurance company must submit plan to bring it back up
SCR calculated with standard formula, internal model, or partial internal model
If capital < MCR: supervisors can prevent insurance company from taking new business
How is the balance sheet of an insurance company structured?
How is the solvency ratio defined?
Describe Pillar 2 of solvency II
Qualitative requirements
System of governance
E.g. risk management, internal auditing, internal control, own risk and solvency assessment (ORSA), …
Identify and assess all risks a company is or may be exposed to
Maintain sufficient capital to face those risks
Develop and use risk management techniques accordingly
Supervisory authorities and general rules
Supervisors are responsible for evaluating how companies are assessing their capital adequacy needs relative to their risks —> Empowered to remedial action
Describe Pillar 3 of solvency II
Reporting & Disclosure
Solvency and financial condition report (SCFR)
Regular supervisory reporting (RSR): solvency & financial condition disclosed by company, ORSA supervisory report, annual & quarterly quantitative templates
Quantitative reporting template (QRT): includes harmonized EU-wide reporting format
Last changed2 years ago