What is a fluid technology?
technology which can be adapted and changed by different social groups
how far can a technology be used in different contexts
lamp, which was developed in France only worked for French standards
What is the relationship between society and technology in this article?
difference of context of development and context of use
if you develop technology you cannot be sure in what various ways your technology is used by society
What is needed from an engineer if he/she aims for fluid technology?
willingness that the technology is used in a different way or for a different use
be open about user feedback and maintain the ability to change
What are examples for fluid or non-fluid technology?
Smartphones (Appstore –> different usecases, e.g. communaction can be implemented so that people can use it)
Smartphone (hardware restrictions, HEIC photos)
Therefore highly complex technologies cannot be linearly seperated into fluid or non-fluid
What are key arguments of the paper?
technology itself is not static, but shaped from cultural and social contexts
technologies which are more flexible can easily be integrated into different social communities
Last changed2 years ago