How much e-waste was produced 2019? Hoch much of this was produced in europe? How high is the recycling rate of this waste in europe?
53,6 mio. tons worldwide
12 mio. tons in europe
Recycling-Rate in europe 42,5%
How much plastic is contained in e-waste?
between 20 to 30 %
How much of the global oil and gas production is used as a raw material for plastics and synthetic rubber?
4 to 5 %
What happens to the plastics that are not reused or recycled?
Most of the plastic that is not recycled will be used for energy recovery. A small amount is landfilled.
Which challenges arise from our demand for plastics?
A high dependence on non renewable resources (oil and gas)
A lack of circular treatment of plastic waste that is collected
Leakage of uncollected waste plastics into the environment
In which three basic steps can the recycling process be divided?
Collection: The logistics required to gather sufficient volumes of end of life products at a recycling facility
Processing: The treatment starting with the collected products, liberating various material streams and gernerating recycled material
Manufacturing with recycled materials: The process of applying recycled materials in the production of new products.
Which current legislation is available for the desing of EEE and the use of plastics in europe?
Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) Directive
Ecodesign Directive
Restriction of Hazardous Substances (RoHS) Directive
Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH)
Name three ambitions ot the EU to transition towards a circular economy!
Ensuring that plastic waste is kept within Europe for effective plastics recycling and application to new products. This will boost the market for European recyclers.
Establishing a set of sustainability principles that can be applied to all products and their design, including a digital product passport.
Facilitating the trade of high quality secondary raw materials, by developing measurement criteria to verify the quality of recycled content.
Name motivations for businesses to use recycled plastics! (4)
Legislation, regulations and green procurement: Governmental agencies increasingly set objectives and requirements for the use of recycled plastics. In procurement processes, governmental agencies often target the use of recycled materials.
Reduction of the environmental impact: Implementing recycled plastics in a product avoids the use of virgin plastic. As Lifecycle Assessment studies (LCAs) have shown, recycling generally allows for a lower environmental impact compared to virgin material.
Ensuring a stable supply of materials: In the future, the price of plastics is expected to increase and security of supply will likely diminish. By keeping plastics in a closed loop, less fossil fuel is needed to produce plastics and society’s dependence on oil is minimized.
Marketing considerations: Consumers increasingly claim to include sustainability in their purchasing considerations. The use of recycled plastics could thus be leveraged in communication with consumers. It can add value at a product level, but it can also increase a company’s brand value.
Which stakeholders have to be on board internally and externally to do a successfull design for recycling?
Internally: designers & the R&D department, management, buyers and the quality & testing department
Externally: uppliers, manufacturers, collectors, compounders/recyclers, and distributors
Name the biggest barriers for recycling of plastics, especially from electronic products!"
Collection infrastructure is not fully developed (different locations, only small volumes, supply of the plastic can be insufficient or unstable, low collection rates)
Economic barriers: small market for recycled plastics —> lack of demand —> no investment in recyling technologies; recycled must compete with virgin plastics
Technological barriers:
Limitation of recycling methods
Limited volumes and different grades
Lack of standardisation of recycled plastic grades
Differences in mechanical, aesthetic and processing properties compared to virgin plastics
Last changed2 years ago